Chapter 23: Stone

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I almost walked away from her when I peeked in the room. She was so beautiful in her dress that for a second I felt bad for even coming here. For a second. A better man would have never come, let alone try to convince the bride to leave with you. But I'm not that man. I tried hard to walk away - was ready to turn around, but then I heard her trying to convince herself that she was making the right decision. Her words stopped me and I knew that I had to convince her to leave with me.

"What?" She asks, her eyes getting bigger as my words register in her mind. She looks down and starts to shake her head. When she looks back up at me her eyes are glazed over. The fear in her eyes draws me in so deep I don't move or say a word. I watch her as every emotion plays across her face. Shock, disbelief, fear, hope, and then anger. "What?" She repeats herself as if she's confused and can't come up with anything else to say.

"Look-" I step closer to her. "I want to see where this can go. I have never felt this way about anyone. This need for you. It's so deep down I think about you all the time." I take a few steps closer to her. "I know this may seem like the worst time in the world to tell you this but I love you." Her eyes go wide like curtains being opened on a sunny day. I'm standing directly in front of her now. I can see the rise and fall of her chest. "And it's been hurting right here." I point at my chest. Her eyes follow my hand. When she looks back up a single tear runs down her face.

"I can promise you it will be worth it. I will be your family. You will never be alone...I can promise you that." I grab the sides of her face and look her straight in the eyes. "You will always be able to depend on me. Just give us a chance... Please."

I bend my head and press my lips to her lips. She doesn't respond at first but then like butter sitting on top of a stove, she melts against me. I quickly pull her body tight against me. My whole body vibrates with need. This right here is what I have been missing. Someone that makes you want to risk it all.

The kiss is long and when we pull apart we both are breathing hard. She smiles up at me and I'm hopeful. She hasn't said the words but I'm hoping we can sneak out of here before anyone comes looking for her.

Someone knocks on the door and we both turn to stare as the door slowly opens. "Daphany have you seen Kayden's binky? I think I had it in my ha-," The woman that walks in is holding a new baby. The baby doesn't look over a couple of weeks old. The woman is short and very petite. Her eyes take in the whole scene. I'm still holding Daphany in my arms, and Daphany's lipstick is a little smeared and it's a very good possibility that I might be wearing that same shade.

"Excuse me," She smiles. "Kayden had started whining and Hayden was getting a little nervous that we couldn't find the binky." She laughs and rolls her eyes.

Daphany quickly steps away from me. When I look back at her she looks flushed. She starts looking around the room trying to look for this binky and hide whatever feelings that are playing across her face.

"Kori... Oh my goodness. I haven't seen a binky any-: She picks up a few clothing items. She then turns and looks at Kori. "What is a binky?"

I see it sitting next to some makeup. Wanting to hurry and end this interlude I walk over and pick up the offending object. "Here it is," I say walking it to the woman. "It's a pacifier," I reply to Daphany who is now staring at the object that I'm holding at the end that doesn't go in his mouth.

"Thanks so much. Hayden would not have made it through the service without I did not realize that it wasn't in my hand." She's rambling with a nervous smile pasted on her face. "Okay, I'm taking him back." She snickers before quickly turning around and closing the door.

When I turn back to Ms. Moore I can see the damage has been done. She's pacing back and forth, shaking out her hands. Just that small interruption has undone everything. I want to just grab her up and kiss her again, but I know that my actions wouldn't be accepted this time.

"Ms. Moore," I say low and with caution as if talking to someone standing on a ledge.

She doesn't look up. Her mind is elsewhere. "Daphany!" I say this time with more authority in my voice. She stops and looks at me. The fear in her eyes has consumed all the brown. If I didn't know any better I would wonder if she could see.

I hold out my hand to her. "Come on, let's go," I say calmly before licking my lips. My mouth is dry now. I feel like a man dying of thirst as I hold my hand out to her. "Please...come on let's get out of here."

Her eyes lock on my hand. She opens her mouth but not a word comes out. She's so still - only the slight expanding of her chest can be seen moving. When she looks back up to me a lone tear is slowly sliding down her cheek. I want to go and wipe her tears away, but I stand there, not moving an inch, with my hand out like a lifeline.

I want to walk over to her and grab her and drag her out of here, but I need her to make this decision on her own. I need her to have no regrets.

She finally looks up to me and my heart drops. I can see the words written on her face just as clearly as if they were written on the wall.

"No," She finally says. The word is so simple but cuts so deep.

I stare at her for a full minute before my eyes drift down to my hand that's still extended. I wonder if somehow I have read all of this wrong. Maybe she doesn't really want me like I want her. But then I think about every moment that we shared together and I know deep down that she cares for me the way I care for her.

"No," I repeat the word and let it swirl in my mouth like tasting a new fine wine. "So you don't love me?"

"I don't know you?"

"That's not what I asked. I asked if you love me. Do you not think about me every day? Do you not wish it was me who would be waiting at the end of the aisle? Do you not want to run out of here right now with me and see where this could go? Do. You. Not. Love. Me?"

"We haven't known each other long enough to establish love." She answers.

I step toward her, so close that if someone was watching us they wouldn't know where my body began and hers ended. "Love does not have to be established. Love does not have a timeline. You either feel or you don't. I love you so much I am willing to burn down this damn church just to run away with you if you say you want to go with me." I grab her face to make sure she looks me in the eyes. " I love you enough to risk coming in here looking like a damn fool. So don't give me that lawyer shit. Answer the question. Do you love me?"

"No." She crocks out. " I love Robert. I am going to marry Robert." Her confidence is back and she juts out her chin like a defiant child.

I peer into her eyes and when I see the truth I take a step back. She is watching me now, probably wondering what I will say or do next. She has nothing to worry about. I'm not going to take her against her will. She has spoken and I have to respect her decision.

I take a deep breath trying to control this anger that is starting to boil. When I open my mouth to speak, someone knocks on the door. A large man is standing at the door. He and Daphany favor so I assume this is her father.

"Daphany? Who is this?"

"I'm just an old client," I answer before Daphany can speak. "I just came to congratulate Daphany on her marriage and let her know that I wouldn't be able to stay for the festivities.

He narrows his eyes as he tilts his head to the side, but I don't give him time to figure out who I am. I walk past him and out of that church.

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