Chapter 5: Daphany

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"Here are the BMW 5 series like yours," the salesman says to Robert like he will be purchasing my car. This is really pissing me off. I'm the one that's supposed to be buying a car, but just like any man, because I'm a woman he's ignoring me. Prick.

"Which one do you like?" Robert asks me.

"Ummm..." I look between him and the salesman. "Can you give us a minute?" I ask the salesman. His eyes flick over to Robert before looking back at me.

"Sure I will be right over there," he says to Robert and not me...again.

"Oh and one more thing before you walk-off." He gives me a curious smile. "When a man and a woman come in together make sure you always find out which one is actually buying the car. See in this case I was spending my money."

The salesman gives me a weak smile and nods before turning and walking away.

"Was all that necessary?" Robert asks, smiling.

Robert is a very good looking man. He's tall with smooth beautiful dark skin. He's always clean-shaven and he wears his hair cut low. He has the most magnetic smile and a dimple on his right cheek that draws most women. He's the whole package, good looking, nice career, good family, but - I...have never liked this arrogant ass.

"Yes, it was because I.." I point my finger at myself. " spending my money."

He starts laughing. "Most women would love a man taking charge." He looks down at me. "Why can't you?"

I ignore that question and get to my point. "I want a Camry. I already bought a Camry. It's waiting for me to pick up." I pop the p on up. I smile up at him.

He chuckles. "You." he laughs again. "You are so plain." He frowns. "I like my women to look like money. You always look like you shop at Old Navy or H&M. We are going to have to fix that and that mouth of yours too. I want my wife to be submissive in all ways." He smiles that panty-melting smile at me as he reaches over and caresses my cheek. "Don't you want a strong man in your life to take control?"

I step closer to him and run my hand up the front of his jacket. He arches a brow. "You can go find you a flashy, brainless, submissive wife that likes to be controlled. Because I won't be either." I pat him on the front of the jacket. "...and I do shop at both of those stores," I whisper before I turn and rush over to Brad's car. I wave at the salesman and then Robert as we pull off.

"Thanks. I don't know why I entertained that."

"I know why. Because you won't say no to your parents." He looks over at me. "I'm just glad you got a new car."

"Where were you last night? I called you when I got stranded on the side of the road."

"I had a date. I told you." He gives me a concerned look. "I didn't see your number."

"I had to use a stranger's phone - mine was dead. He ended up helping me out."

Bradley pulls off the freeway. "Where are we going?"

"To upgrade your phone first. I could strangle you. You have to keep your phone charged."

"It was charged, but I took over fifty pictures, and then my mother would not stop texting me."

He rolls his eyes as he pulls up to AT&T which happened to be right here. We both get out and walk into the store. We are greeted and sent over to a table with an agent. He pulls up my information. We upgrade my phone and plan.

After getting a new phone and picking up my new car I'm finally pulling up to my house. There is an unfamiliar truck parked in front of my house. It looks familiar but I'm not sure where I would have seen it.

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