Chapter 22: Daphany

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"I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride." I smile brightly even though I can't see my new husband because of this massive veil that my mother insists on me wearing.  But honestly, not even that can deter me from the euphoric feelings that caused the butterflies that started swimming in my belly just right before the moment I began walking down the aisle.

This feeling is so overwhelming that I snatch off the veil before my new husband can even lift it over my head. The smile on my face is so wide I can feel the air on my back teeth.

"I knew it would be you," I whisper as the first tear of happiness falls from my eyes.

His green eyes are so bright he almost looks demonic. His face is clean shaven and I know he only did it for this day. But who cares about any of that when I have the man of my dreams standing before me?

"I love you," he says, grabbing my face with both hands.

"I love you too, Cole," I whisper before his soft lips land on mine.

"Shouldn't you be getting ready?" The question startles me from my daydream. I turn and see Brad standing behind me. He's already in his black tuxedo. I turn back around, not responding, staring at the destruction of the room.

I woke up this morning before dawn with a heavy feeling in my chest. I didn't understand what the feeling was at first so I just sat in the dark trying to figure out what had awoken me. Then I looked down at the ring - the ring I had started wearing every day. I stared at it like it was some foreign object that needed to be identified when I started getting this pain in my chest. Both my arms started to go numb and everything around me started to close in on me. I quickly jumped up needing to run, scream, or something. I needed to just...get away.

"How did you find me?" I ask as I stare at the spot that was once a wall.

"Well,... I called you and didn't get an answer. Then I went by your house and your car was gone, so my next thought was she's probably out getting her hair and make-up done for her special day." I snort at the same time I hear him clearing his throat. Most likely trying to cover up a laugh.

"But then I got a little worried when Koribella called me and said that you and she had a nail appointment that you never showed up to, and she wasn't able to get you on the phone."

"How did she call you?" I ask, turning back around to look at my best friend.

I'm not sure what my face looks like but he pokes out his bottom lip and then holds his arms out.

I hesitate before walking into his embrace, but as soon as my face hits his chest the floodgates are opened and the stream of tears starts pouring out. Brad squeezes me tighter as my legs feel like they are giving out, but I grip him tighter, holding on for dear life. I'm not sure what is going on but I needed this. I needed this hug. He likes my anchor as I drown in this large open sea that I have dived butt first into.

"You know we can sneak off if you want," He whispers the words against my left ear. "You don't have to do this."

I want to say, "Yes please, take me away", but I can't. This fear of being alone and not having my parents is so strong. I don't even understand it myself. I shake my head and start sobbing harder for the death of Daphany Moore today. She was a good person.

"Ok-ok," He whispers, still holding me against his chest. "Well, if you're not going to run away with me then we should..." He pulls back just a little to look down at me.

"Why am I like this?" I ask. My words are muffled as I keep my face buried against his jacket.

"It's nothing wrong with you loving your parents."

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