Chapter 4: Stone

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Two hours after falling asleep

I kick my leg out and try to move my left hand but I can't. When I open my eyes I see Daphany Moore laying across my chest. My hand is down the back of her pants and my dick is so hard right now that I'm so scared if in any way she brushes across I might bust. She starts to move. She lifts her head and I know she realizes the position we are in. I really need her to get off me. She lays her head back on my chest. I wait a minute and squeeze her ass. She's so soft and smells so good a moan escapes. I feel her stiffen a little. She waits a minute before sliding down. I remove my hand glad that she has moved off me.

One hour later

Trying to roll I can't. I look down to see she's back over on my side of the bed. This time her hand is down my pants and her face is in my armpit. Somehow she has taken off the t-shirt and kicked off her socks. She has on one of those lace bras.

I'm laying here still on my back. I have not moved from my spot. She starts moving. Her hand is going further down my pants. She keeps on, she's going to get a surprise. I know she's asleep by how she's breathing and snoring a little.

I close my eyes.

Two hours later

When I wake up I know she is still asleep. She's laying on my arm and her leg is wrapped around me. She has somehow removed her pants and my head is right on her chest. Her shirt is pushed up and I know her nipple has come out of her bra because it's right here on my cheek. I want to just suck in my mouth and fuck her real good for the torcher of sleeping with this wild woman. I feel her start to wake. She tries to slide out from under me and I pull her closer. I rub my hand up her side and feel the tiny goosebumps on her skin. She tries to move up again and I pull her close and rub my free hand up her stomach. I want to do so much more but I don't. She turns over on her side and I let her be.


When my eyes open I'm wrapped around her. I can tell she is not sleeping, she's just laying here. My right hand is on her breast and I give it a gentle squeeze. I'm so fucking hard I wonder how far she will let me go. I rub her nipple in a circle feeling it get hard. I pinch and pull it a little. Taking my knee I stick my leg between her legs to give me enough space to rub on this pussy this morning.

She hasn't protested anything yet. My hand starts to rub slowly down and over the slight curve of her stomach until I get to the top of her panties. Daphany Moore isn't one of those small girls she has a little meat on her bones. Something I find sexy as fuck especially since I'm a big dude. My ex-wife is skinny and she used to complain that I was too rough with her, but I best Daphany Moore can handle me.

When my hand brushes against the soft lace of her underwear, I stop. I don't want to freak her out so I keep my hand on the outside. I rub my hand down between her legs feeling how wet the lace is. I press a little to see what she'll do. Nothing. I take one finger and slide in between the lace until I feel skin. Rubbing my finger up her folds I feel her clit is hard and ready. I rub gently and I hear a small moan. I rub it over and over again slowly as I grind myself against her. I slide my finger down to her entrance and slowly start to penetrate her. Adding another finger I move my finger in and out. I push them further until I'm knuckle-deep inside her. I can hear her moans clearly and she moves against my erection.

I don't want her to cum yet because I can tell how tight she is - it's been a long time. Moving over her I push her on her back and push her bra up and suck her nipple in my mouth. I'm sucking on her breast as I move my pants down releasing myself. Nudge her legs apart while I'm still sucking on her breast I wait for the protest. Still nothing. Reaching over to my nightstand, I grab a condom. When I pull her panties to the side and line myself up with her entrance. I wait again for the protest. Nothing. I start sliding in her slowly feeling how tight she is. "I knew her pussy was going to feel this good," I think.

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