Chapter 11: Daphany

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I've just pulled into my driveway; Cole is sitting next to me. He's been shooting me furtive looks all night. I know he's thinking that he's in trouble, but honestly, I'm not mad. Dinner was nice, other than the fact his mother and her friend were trying to marry us off - which didn't bother me at all.

June talked about her travels and Vilonia talked about her son, who happens to be Cam Newman. I mean I knew he was from here but wow, I just had dinner with his mother. I don't watch TV or movies often, but I have seen one or two of his movies. He is a great actor, his roles always seem so real.

"Why didn't you tell me you knew Cam Newman?"

"Will it had gotten me some brownie points?"

"Probably would have, but we will never know now because you didn't tell me." Cole laughs and we both get out of the car.

"You are gonna need to change shoes. It's cute in movies and shit, but heels are not good footwear for a motorcycle."

I look down at my heels and sigh. I was hoping that he was too full to want to put me on that death trap. "How about we go in the house and relax instead of taking a ride."

"You know Ms. Moore, you have a way of getting out of things, but if you are putting sex on the table then I might be inclined to let you out of your promise."

"I did not promise."

"Yes, you did."

"I plead the fifth."

"You can plead all you want...but you promised." Rolling my eyes I stick the key in my front door. Cole follows close behind.

When my foot hits the steps I stop and turn to look up at the large man behind me. "Where are you going?"

"Upstairs with you." His head tilts to the side and I see a slight grin come across his face. "I'm ready to start the relaxing," He wiggles his brows suggestively.

"Oh no. We are doing all relaxing downstairs on the couch. No hanky panky tonight." Cole barks out a laugh and I fold my arms in front of me. Why was what I said so funny?

"Excuse me...what the hell is funny?"

"You." He points his finger at me. "Now you know damn well what's about to happen here tonight Ms. Moore, so I need you to turn your pretty little ass around so we can start relaxing. I won the bet fair and it's time for you to pay up."

I groan, then turn and stump up the stairs listening to the chuckling behind me. "This arrogant SOB."

When we get to my room a feeling of pure embarrassment comes over me. I forgot about the clothes that were thrown all over the bed from me looking for something to wear. "Excuse the mess," I say rushing over gathering up the clothes.

"Sweetheart, you don't have to worry about me judging you over some clothes."

My room, unlike the rest of my home, is bare. I haven't figured out what I want to do with it. I was thinking pink because I'm a girly girl but then there was the hope of finding a man and I didn't want him to be consumed with the pink.

When I walk out of the closet from hanging everything back in its proper place Cole is laying in the middle of the bed with just his boxer briefs. Presumptuous isn't he. He waggles his brow as if he can read my thoughts and I can't help but laugh.

"Hurry and get in the bed Ms. Moore so we can relax." Rolling my eyes and smirking, I turn and walk into my bathroom.

After standing in the bathroom working on my nerves, I step out in just a tank top and underwear. It's not sexy lingerie but I feel we are comfortable enough with each other that I can throw on what I normally start in.

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