Chapter: 9 Daphany

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It's the first day of spring and instead of enjoying this beautiful day, I'm rushing home to get dressed to go to a dinner party my parents are having tonight. I hate these things. The whole night will be filled with my parents and their uppity friends sitting around and talking about the trips they just went on, or what they just purchased. You would think with all the lawyers, doctors, and other important people that come to these things, you would hear more talk on the injustice of black people or any race of people. Anything more than, my house is bigger than your house.

Pulling up to my home, I jump out of my car and rush to the front door. Before entering I look back and check to see if Cole has pulled up in the time I've walked to the door. Not that he is supposed to be here, but you never know with Cole.

I haven't talked to or seen him since the other morning when I snuck out of his bed. I blush at the thought of how he made my body feel and let's not talk about the spanking he gave me. Who would have ever thought that would turn me on. I couldn't let him know at least not verbally, but I was wet enough to water the whole Sahara Desert.

I run up the stairs and quickly shower and throw on an all-black mock neck cocktail dress. I mean I threw it on after I put on my shapewear. My mother would die if I didn't have this gut and these love handles tucked away. I pull my hair up into my signature neat bun, apply some make-up, and then slide on my black patent leather Christian Louboutin with the peep toe. The five-inch heel and 3/4 red platform give my leg the just left the gym look.

Right as I step out of my bedroom I hear the chime of my doorbell. "Who is that?" I wonder, walking quickly downstairs. I hope it's not Ms. Ruth because I don't have time to talk. I will not be late for this dinner.

I swing open the door and find a well-dressed Cole standing on the other side. He has on a blue button-down shirt that clings to his well-muscled arms, with a black and silver tie, some black slacks, and some very nice black leather lace-up dress shoes. When my eyes land back on his face I immediately notice the difference in his appearance.

"Cole, you cut down your beard." It's not gone but it's low and lined well. He looks mouth-watering good and younger.

"Yes, I know you didn't win the bet, but I thought I could meet you halfway." My eyes go wide at his words. "You forgot, even after I left a message."

"Yes. I'm so, so sorry. I have this dinner with my parents that I must attend." I open my purse and pull out my phone. I don't see a missed call but I do see a new voicemail. When I click on it I read: Don't forget our date tonight. You, in something sexy with your hair down. The hair is a must. I will be at your house at seven.

My eyes land back on Cole. "Can we take a rain check? I forgot and as you can see I'm just now reading your voicemail.

He smiles and I know that he is not just gonna let me go without a fight. "I promise...dinner on me tomorrow. I will wear my hair down and we will do anything you want."


"I mean in reason."

"No. You said anything I want. It's a deal."

"Cole, wait."

"Nope. Be ready at about six. Wear some jeans and a sweater. I would like to see your hair down, but nothing in an updo, and nothing you don't mind messing up." He's saying this while he's walking off of my porch heading back to his truck. "Cole, wait a minute. What are we doing?" He doesn't answer, he just hops in his truck, blows, and then pulls off. "What the hell have I gotten myself into." Not having time right now to contemplate too much on it. I quickly lock my door and jump in my car.

When I make it to my parents their circle driveway and the street are packed with cars. Two men are standing in front of the house parking cars. Pulling my car in front of them, I get out and hand the guy standing closer to my car my keys. He hands me a number that I place in my purse. I quickly walk up to the door and take in a deep breath before opening the door.

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