Chapter 3: Daphany

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"Shit-shit..shit!" I yell when my car starts stalling out. Pulling over to the side of the road, I put on my blinkers. "Not tonight," I whisper. It's cold, dark, and ice has started falling. The diner I just left is about two miles down the road.

Wanting to look at a house the county is auctioning off Tuesday, I rode down here after work. I wanted to get some pictures to show Brad before he and I decided if we were going to buy it. Now I'm sitting on the side of the dark road in the middle of nowhere.

Pulling out my phone, I see I only have a three percent battery. "You just had to take all those damn pictures." I dial roadside rescue and is immediately put on hold for more than ten minutes. Once the woman gets on the phone - my phone goes dead.

"Shit...shit," I scream remembering I don't have my charger. I planned to come out here and go straight back to the office once I left from out here. It seemed like a good idea because I was on fifty percent battery when I left work. I didn't calculate all the pictures I would take, and the ten thousand text messages my mother kept sending about that damn dinner. All that plus me needing a new phone is what drained my battery.

"You will be upgrading your phone tomorrow. You will not keep putting it off." I chastise myself.

Laying my seat back I try to come up with a plan on how not to freeze to death. There has not been a single car pass by me. It's getting darker and it has started to sleet harder. Hearing what sounds like a motorcycle I peek up not wanting anyone to see I'm alone.

The person on the bike turns on the road in front of my car. I lay back down. "That's probably your only hope of surviving is getting out walking." I love the cold weather. I just don't like being in the cold weather. I know it's crazy.

I sit here for a few minutes trying to come up with a plan. After the mental deliberation, I make my mind up to just get out of the car, put my big girl panties on, and tough it out.

When I step out of the car the first thing I do is slip on a patch of ice and hit the ground. "You're going to kill yourself." Crawling to my knees, I push myself up and stand. I start my trek down the road sliding every other step. A trailer comes into view a half-mile up the road, but I don't see the bike. I can't see if the road continues past the trailer so maybe it's around back.

The trailer doesn't look like the ones in the movies. It very nice, at least that what it seems on the outside. It has a deck that looks like it goes around the whole trailer. "I just hope he's not a shotgun-toting racist," I murmur.

I walk up the few steps to the door and knock. I don't hear anything for a while before hearing some shout "Who is it."

"It's Daphany Moore," I say knowing this person doesn't know me.

The door swings open and standing in the doorway is a tall ass white man with no shirt or pants. My eyes scan his tattooed body and I step back. It's the wrong move because I slip on some ice and the next thing I know I'm falling on my ass - again. I had to have screamed out when I fell because the dog I assume is in the house, starts barking.

"Who the fuck are you and what are you doing on my property?"

The ass doesn't even try to help me up he's just standing over me looking down like I'm a weird alien he has never seen before.

"My name is Daphany Moore, my car stopped on me down the road." I point behind me. "I was hoping you had a phone or a charger I can use. My phone died too."

"Don't you know it's dangerous to be driving without a cellphone or charger?" He asks still standing over me in some black boxer briefs. His eight-pack of abs and well-defined V is on display. "The ass...would be in shape," I think.

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