Chapter 6: Stone

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In no hurry at all, I put my clothes back on and then take a walk through the house familiarizing myself with Ms. Moore's likes. Her house is neat and free from clutter. It almost looks like one of those show houses and not a place someone lives in. I take a seat in her living room and wait. There's no TV, so I pick up the Great Homes magazine sitting neatly on the coffee table.

After about another twenty minutes I hear her doorbell and know it's her date here to pick her up. I slowly get up and stroll over to the door to answer, but stop in my tracks when I look up the stairs and see Daphany coming down. She's beautiful in her black dress that's fitted at the top with a skirt that flares out. Her heels give her at least four more inches, making her sculpted legs look very long. Bun still in place.

Her eyes go wide when she sees me and I smirk. "Cole...why are you still here?" She whisper-yells.

"I was waiting on you."

"For what?"

Ding dong

"I'm going to kill you," she snaps out before turning and looking at the door. She runs her hands down her sides and inhales a deep breath before walking over to the door and opening it.

A tall dark skin black man steps in dressed in a very nice Armani tailored suit. He's an inch a two shorter than my 6'2 height.

"Are you ready?" He asks her.


His eyes land on me and he frowns. "Who is this? And why is he at your house?"

Smirking at this prick. I walk up to him and size him up. "Stone," I say standing straighter to tower over him.

Daphany stares at me before shaking her head. "This is my client. He came over to show me some documents and ask a few questions about his case."

"Clients should not come to your should know this. Any business-related questions will need to be handled during office hours...only," he tells her eyeing me suspiciously.

"I understand that, but Mr. Austin just got back into town and wanted to share something with me. I told him it was ok to come over."

I smirk at her because I shared something alright.

"Well we need to leave so we can get to our reservation," he says eyeing me one more time before turning and walking out the door.

I chuckle when he leaves. "What a prick," I say loud enough for Daphany to hear me and maybe the prick.

Let's go. "I am so angry at you right now. I should not have let you come in or..." She looks around. "We should not have had sex," she whispers to me.

"We are consenting adults, what's the big deal that we just met. It's not a crime."

"You don't parents will kill me if they find out."

I just smirk at her as she tries to push me out the door. "When will I see you again."

"This is not happening again." She whispers looking behind her to make sure the prick can't hear us, and he can't. He's already in his car smiling down at his phone.

"Oh this will happen again," I tell her walking past her out the door. I stop in front of her - not letting her out of the door. "Tomorrow?"

"No. This-" She motions her finger between the both of us as she stands tall staring at me. "Will not happen again." Not saying a word I smirk and turn to walk to my truck.

When I get into my truck I sit and watch her walk over to the BMW and get in. I can see him saying something to her before they pull off.

Laughing a little I pull off and I head over to my mother's house to check on things.

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