Chapter 8: Stone

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"Mutha fuckers," is the only thing I can mutter when we pull up to the charred remains of what used to be my trailer.

I open my door and jump out of my truck and survey the whole scene before me. My trailer or what used to be my trailer is now just a dripping wet skeleton of what used to be my home.

There are still a few firemen out here sifting through the fallen walls most likely looking for the cause. I already know who's responsible. I'm just glad that Hammer was able to come over and get Doc Holiday out before the fire was started.

I take a few steps closer before stopping when I see Sheriff Gates walk around the fire truck heading straight for me. The Sheriff and I are...well let's say I wouldn't be surprised if it came out that he passed them a match to light my trailer ablaze.


"Sheriff," I respond flatly.

"I see here we have a problem." He spits on the ground and I inwardly roll my eyes. I'm sure he's seen that same move on some TV show or movie. The Sheriff is a round-out-of-shape man, so he tries to use his words as a scare tactic. "I don't want any of this shit between Ryker and you spilling out in my town."

I don't respond, I just cross my arms in front of me. He has to know this was a threat to my life, and I don't take too kindly to threats. Plus I loved that trailer. I could sit on my deck and watch the sunrise and set on the lake.

"Look here Stone I know you think I've been trying to run you out of town...and honestly - I have. Your mom scares the shit out of me and if she finds out any of this is going on - we will have a bigger problem than Ryker trying to kill you."

I frown, pinching my brows together. "My mother? How the hell does he know my mother?"


"Yes, Jane. She called me when you first joined up with Kings of Hell and told me I better keep you safe, and if not she would have the governor snatch my little plastic badge so fast I would think it had all been a dream. You know my career and all." He grimaces. "My point is why don't you just count this as a loss and go back home to mommy."

I stare at him - jaw locked so tight, I'm scared I might damage a few teeth. "I want to punch this prick in his mouth for the disrespect but then Daphany would have to bail me out of jail, and I'm not sure I would ever see her again after that. After about a few seconds of awkward silence, I turn and walk back to the truck. I'm not sure if he takes my walking off as a silent answer that I won't retaliate against Ryker, but he will be sadly mistaken if he thinks it. "Fuck him and whoever thinks I'm just gonna lay down and take this shit."

Daphany is still standing against this truck looking beautiful and horrified at the same time. Not sure how she pulls it off but she does. "Walk with me," I whisper into Daphany's ear as I pull her from leaning on my truck.

She lets her right hand fall from clutching a hand full her dress at her chest. I can see the slight wrinkles in her dress now. She opens her mouth and closes it before she lets any words come out. I know she has questions but I'm not ready to let her in that part of my life yet. Her eyes flick to her feet before landing back on me. "Where are we walking to?" Is the question she finally asks.

My eyes had followed hers to her feet adorned with heels. Knowing she won't be able to walk with me, I reach around her and open the passenger door.

"Nowhere just sit here until I get back. There's nothing more I can do here, I just need to check on something before we leave." She nods as she pulls herself up into the truck. I turn and walk off toward the trees after watching her settle in her seat.

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