Chapter 7: Daphany

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Checking the address displayed on the GPS again, my eyes flick back to the numbers on the gate. I reach over and grab the sticky note that's stuck to my dash and read over the address again. "This is right," I think as I pull up to the large security gate to the address that Cole wrote on the sticky pad at my office.

There's a keypad on the gate, so I enter the code that was also written on the bottom of the sticky underneath the address. When the gate opens I start my slow drive down a long driveway with trees surrounding both sides before a huge house comes into view.

My eyes almost pop out of my head at the size of the European-style mansion. "Who's house is this?" I wonder when I see Cole's truck parked in the circle driveway and no other cars, but there is a garage so the other cars could be in there.

"What are you doing here? You are marrying Robert." I think as I stare up at the house. "What is he doing to me," I whisper as I open the door and step out. This man has me craving him, something that has never happened in my twenty-six years of living.

"This is that last time," I whisper. "You are marrying Robert." I remind myself again.

Taking a deep breath and mustering up all the courage I will need to take a step, I walk toward the door - still a little too nervous. I stop right in front of the large door and just stand there. I stare at the door willing my racing heart to get under control before ringing the doorbell. I went home and took a shower and changed into a simple long sleeve skater dress. I also stopped by the drug store and bought a box of condoms. I'm not on any birth control and can't let my raging hormones get me into any trouble.

The door swings open and standing in front of me with a panty-melting smile and an apron on is Cole himself. He motions for me to come in.

"Damn...he looks good." I think as my eyes roam over his tall figure in a plain black button-down shirt, black jeans, and boots.

"Let me go turn the food down. I hope you brought your appetite with you."

He turns and walks off leaving me in the grand foyer. I stand here not knowing what I should do. "Should you stand here or go have a seat in the family room." Opting to just stand here, I shake my hands out before rubbing them over my slick-backed hair. About two minutes later Cole comes back with that smirk in place.

"Why are you just standing there?"

"Because you left me standing here."

He places his hand on my lower back and I feel little hairs on my arms stand at attention from the goosebumps. "I made dinner. Are you hungry?"

"I can eat," I say smiling up at him.

"Great, follow me. You're going to need your energy."

We walk into the kitchens that any chef would murder for. It's huge with light and dark woods, marble countertops, a large island, and stainless steel appliances.

"What did you cook? It smells good," I ask walking over to the island and sitting on one of the high back stools.

"Lasagna, salad, and garlic bread."

"You made a lasagna?"

"Yes." He smirks. "I'm a man of many talents." he waggles his brows.

"So who's house is this?"

"Mine...well it was June's and then she gave it to me. She likes to bitch because I won't stay here full time."

"Are you and your mother close?" I ask, curious about their relationship.

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