Chapter 15: Daphany

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"Ok, before we end this meeting I want everyone to look over the documents for the new merger. I have already noted everything that I felt needed to be changed," I say passing the documents over to Owen McKinley. My assistant hands the other members on the board theirs. "When I talked to Kori she said that she felt it was a good deal and would leave it to us to finish up all the smaller details.

Everyone nods, already flipping through their pages looking through the documents. My eyes scan the room landing back on Mr. McKinley. He smiles and looks up from the pages. I thought, in the beginning, he was going to be very difficult to work with, especially since he would have to start taking orders from an inexperienced black woman, but he has been very helpful and understanding with trying to teach Kori everything she needs to know.

He has jumped right in making very good decisions for the company putting more money in everyone's pockets, since being named the CEO. I wish I could say that for the other company. Kori's cousin seemed at first to be fine and accepting Kori's place over the company, but I later found out that he was having a difficult time understanding how his grandmother could put her over the company knowing she knew nothing about it. It had gotten so bad that I thought we were going to have to fight him in court over her birthright. I've had to hire someone over there to be my eyes and ears just to make sure there was no underhandedness going on.

"I also have the new numbers. If the changes are made it would be very beneficial to both parties," Nicolette says passing everyone the new changes. When Owen looks down at the papers I can practically see the dollar signs flashing in his eyes. I smile at Nicollette letting her know she did great.

Being a woman, especially a black woman working in a male-dominated workplace can be hard, and cause most women to question their worth and abilities. So, I make it my place to always try to give women the opportunities that would have most likely been passed over them and given to a man. I know most people would say well that's not fair especially if the man is more qualified, and my reply will always be the same, until women are represented equally across all fields I will always try to help any woman, no matter color or race develop professionally.

"Since we only have until the end of the week to wrap up this deal. I think we should close out the meeting here and meet back here in two days to go over any additional changes you feel you may want," I say looking around at everyone.

"That sounds great. I spoke with Kori and she should be here Wednesday and will stay a few days," Mr. McKinley says.

"Great, well I will see you all in two days." Everyone stands and we all head out of the conference. When I make it back to my office Bradford is already sitting in front of my desk.

"Hey stranger," I say, smiling from ear to ear. He chuckles.

"Don't start that shit with me. I came by your office yesterday but you were already gone to lunch, so I came by earlier today so I could catch you before you left," He says, smiling that accusatory smile at me. He reaches down on the floor and picks something up. He leans over and lays a newspaper on my desk. When I look down I see a picture of Robert and me with a wedding announcement. "Is there something you should be telling me?"

"I was going to tell you," I say, closing my eyes and scrunching my face up. I feel bad that he had to find out like this. Brad is my best friend and I should have told him as soon as I accepted Robert's proposal.

"Are you really going to go through with this? I mean Daphany come on...this can't be what you really want," his eyes are pleading with me not to go through with this and I want to assure him that I'm not making a mistake but in all honesty, I can't. I don't know what I'm doing anymore.

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