Chapter: 2 Stone

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"She is supposed to come down here for Spring Break," I grit out trying to hold in my temper. I'm up pacing in my office. "I don't care what he has going on. She is my daughter and I want her here with me for Spring Break." I'm listening to my ex-wife on the phone go on and on about what her punk ass new husband says. Like I give a flying fuck. "Bitch put her on the plane," I yell before hanging up.

"Boss you okay," Jett asks me with an eyebrow raised.

"Hell no. The cunt doesn't want to send Ashley to me for Spring Break. She says that Bryan wants Ashley to stay so they can go on a family vacation, so they can get some bonding time."

My ex-wife Emily recently just married her high school sweetheart, Bryan after cheating behind my back for a whole two years. She told me she got lonely and when he separated from his wife they reconnected. My work causes me to be on the road and gone from home a lot - gone for days sometimes weeks. She had been complaining about all the time I was spending from home, so when she left me I wasn't surprised.

"You want me to go take care of him for you boss?"

"No," I say, rubbing my hand through my long hair. I have it shaved low on the sides and long on the top. You can only see the shaved sides when I pull it up. "If anyone will be killing the prick it will be me," I say sitting at my desk. I run a bounty hunting business, but we also do other things on the side. I sit back. "Have you found Savannah Stephens?"

"No, not yet."

"I guess with a few million you could hide, but where?" I ponder to myself.

"Do you have someone on the mother?"

"Yes. so far she hasn't been doing anything out of the ordinary."

"Ok. I will have to let Gabe know that we still have not been able to locate her. Maybe he can think of some places she could be."

"Boss, I think she will come back. I think she's gonna go for the baby," Jett says.

"I think that too, so that's why we have someone on Gabe and Ember too."

A thought crosses my mind. "Find out the names of the people that have bought homes near them recently," I tell Jett.

"On it Boss." Jett gets up and walks out of the office.

I look out the window and see that a few snow flurries have started to fall. I'm on my bike so I need to get going before the ice they predicted starts falling. It's almost spring and it's still cold as fuck out here.

My phone starts ringing. I reach in my pocket and pull it out. Looking down I see it's June, I sigh.

"What?" I answer.

"Is that any way to answer the phone, for your mother?"

" what do you want?"

I hear her let out a frustrated breath. "I was calling to check on you. I haven't heard from you in a while. Plus, Minnie Howard told me you had moved back home."

"Yes." I haven't told her I have gotten a divorce. "Emily and I divorced so I moved back here."

"So what about Ashley?"

"I get her half the summer, Thanksgiving, the week after Christmas, and Spring Break."

"Do you have to pay alimony?"

"No, she didn't want anything."

"So you never told her about the money...I see."

"No. If I had - she and that prick would be living off my inheritance."

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