Chapter 17: Daphany

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"Hey, Daphany wait up," Comes from behind me. I'm on my way to lunch at my mother's office to meet my mother to go over the remaining details about the wedding. Halting my strides, I turn and face Brad. He's smiling that enchanting smile that only he can manage.

"I'm alright. Late to meet my mother. Can this wait until later?" I ask him, returning the smile.

"Sure." His face balls up a little and he turns to look out the door. "Let me walk you to your car," I try to read his expressions before nodding. He walks to the door and opens it before holding out a hand for me to go through. "Ladies first."

He doesn't say anything at first and I can tell he has a lot on his mind, how he's jiggling the keys in his pockets. "Brad, please just say it. I'm really running late."

"Ok." He stops and turns to face me. His face is blank so I can't read his expression still, so I'm not sure what he's about to say. "Are you ok?" He asks, as his face morphs into a frown.

I shift on my foot and turn my head to look out at the cars in the large full parking lot. This should be a simple yes, but honestly am I alright. I sigh and turn back to face him. "Yeah, I'm ok. Why'd you ask?"

"Well, you don't seem like my Daphany, and you haven't been for a while now. Is it a case? Is it the wedding? Is it something I can help with?" He steps closer and I can see a bead of sweat already forming on his nose. "I'm worried about you."

"I'm fine Brad. This know." I give him a weak smile. "And you know how my mother can be."

He squints as if he can pick the truth out of the words that I just gave him. "You sure, because if you need to talk about anything - you know you can come to me."

I nod my head as I drop it down and look at the paved ground. I wish I could tell someone how I'm feeling. I wish I could tell someone I'm drowning in grief. I wish I could call the police and make a report that some foul mouth biker stole my heart and I need it back or I won't be able to live. "Ok," I say and smile to convey that everything is good.

He bends down getting eye level with me to search my eyes. After a few seconds, he nods. "Ok, I'm going to let you go so I can get back in the building. I think we just walked into the devil ass." I laugh, turning to hurry to my car. Summer started two weeks ago and I swear it came with vengeance.


"You're late," Is the first thing my mother utters when I walk into one of the conference rooms of Fisher and Moore Law Firm. She's seated at the far end of the table. There are several law books, and briefs surrounding her. She sits smack dab in the middle of all her work already eating a salad. "Come on in and have a seat. I ordered you a salad. We don't need you gaining any more weight. You already look like you have put on ten pounds since the last fitting."

"Thank you," I say ignoring the last comment about my weight. My mother is a size five and looks down on anyone that is in double digits. I inwardly sigh because I really need something with some carbs today. Honestly, I could drown myself in a big bucket of cookie dough ice cream right by now.

"So why were you late?" She asks as her eyes slide over the pink skirt, and white sleeveless blouse I'm wearing. My hair today is up in a top messy bun. This whole look screams unprofessional to someone that thinks every day is a day for a power suit. Even when it's ninety-eight degrees with a heat index of one hundred and ten.

"No. No new cases. I have all this stuff going on with Kori and Grayson, and there's just not enough time in the day - with also preparing for a wedding," I reply, opening the container of the garden salad with a vinaigrette dressing. I inwardly gag when I see it has no meat on it. At least give me some protein. I'm gonna have to stop and get some real food when I leave here.

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