Chapter 20: Daphany

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How many times can one person become distracted in a day thinking about someone else? That amount at this moment is unknown but if I had to guess the number would be an endless amount of times. I've been sitting in this meeting with Clayton Brown for over two hours hammering out all the final details to complete the merger his company is involved in.

I thought I could come into the office today and dive into my work and put all thoughts of Cole and the disappointment I saw in his eyes that have been plaguing me out of my mind. But that hasn't at all been possible. I keep playing back at how he looked at me. How I let him see Robert wrap me up in his arms. That look in his eyes cut me so deeply. All I wanted to do was run after him and tell him I made a big mistake.

"So is Bradley going to come in and look over the final contract?" Mr. Brown asks me, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Excuse me. What was that again?"

"Will Bradley be coming in to look over the final contract?"

"Why would he?" I ask. "We have both gone over the contracts together. We have both added every provision that will keep anyone from stealing your company from under you." I tilt my head to the side in question. "Bradley deals more with criminal and family law. So again I ask "Why would he?" My tone is professional but my words are clipped. Any smile that I could have possibly been wearing is gone. In all aspects of my life, I am having to deal with some form of this racist misogynistic bullshit and I am getting tired of it.

Mr. Brown's look tells me he's displeased with my question and my tone. Here I am a woman - no a black woman asking him why he is requesting a real attorney to look over his contracts. How dare I. Well, got damn it - I dare today.

I dare him to ask one more time about Bradley or any other lawyer in this firm. I dare him to question my authority or make another comment as if I'm not qualified to handle his case. I dare him because if he says one more thing that I don't like he will be dropped as a client. Then he will have to start this process over again with another lawyer after I rip this contract into tiny confetti pieces in his face.

"I only asked because you have been very distracted today, I wanted a second opinion to make sure everything is correct." He says as he fixes his tie and suit jacket.

If I wasn't so good at my job which includes the poker face that I am sporting right now, my jaw would be on the floor. I shake off the moment of shock that I have been overly preoccupied that a client was able to determine that I have not been giving my all today.

"I apologize if I have been coming off like I was distr-"

"I have had to get your attention fourteen times, and that's not counting the times you couldn't get a complete sentence out." What the hell? Has he been keeping count? Who does that?

"I understand your concerns but I promise you that everything is correct, but if you want a second opinion we can ask Zander Lawrence. He is also a corporate lawyer," I say annoyed but professional all while inwardly rolling my eyes. I stand and head over to the phone at the other end of the conference table.

He is lucky he caught me slippin' because I was ready to drop him. I laugh at myself for using slippin'. When I glance back Mr. Brown is staring at me like he's not sure if he needs an escape plan. Picking up the phone I dial Zander's direct number. He answers on the second ring and lets me know he has time and he can stop by now.

Once I get seated back in my chair across from Mr. Brown Zander walks in smiling as always. I wish I could have that free spirit about me like him.

"Good afternoon, I'm Zander Lawrence," He says walking over to the conference table with his hand already extended for Mr. Brown to shake.

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