Chapter 24: Daphany

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"Don't you let him leave - Daphany. Tell him. Tell him before it's too late. Tell him!" Those are the words I want to scream, but I don't utter any of them. No - I just stand here staring after him like the fool I am and watch him walk out of my life. How stupid can one person be?

"It's not too late. You can still go after Cole. Run, Daphany. Do something. Stop just standing here and go after him." I continue to scream in my head - willing my legs to go after him. I can feel the hole that my father's stare is burning into my face, but I just stand there wishing things could be different.

Neither of us says a word. My father just watches me, probably wondering what I will do - daring me to jump off this crashing plane.

"DAPHANY!" my father shouts. "BREATHE." My whole body starts to shake with just the effort of trying to take a breath.

I can't do this. How could I just let Cole walk out of my life like that? What is wrong with me? I should have told him - I should have told him how much I love him. How much I've missed him these last couple of weeks. I'm such a fool.

"DAPHANY!" my father calls my name again.

My eyes dart over to him - begging him to help me. I don't know what is wrong, but I can't breathe. I reach up for my neck as my father grabs my arms. I see something I have never seen in my father before - fear.

I see his mouth moving, but I don't hear any words. I feel my legs going out, I feel myself getting woozy, but I can't get my lungs to expand. I can't get any air in my body.

"Daphany, please just take a breath. You can do it. Watch me..." my father takes a large breath and exhales several times, but it is too late. My vision is getting blurry, and I know I am dying. I hear other voices calling for help.

I see Kori and Hayden walk in. Kori hurries behind me, and I gasp in. The air finally starts entering my lungs. Every breath I inhale hurts, but I'm finally breathing. I close my eyes and feel the burn. I look down at my chest just to verify that I am still alive.

Kori's hand runs up and down my back, soothing the ache in my back from her slapping me across my bare back. Was it that easy - a slap on the back and I'm breathing? I start to chuckle, thinking of everything that has happened today: me running away this morning, Cole coming to kidnap me from my wedding, and now me trying to kill myself inadvertently. Just thinking of everything makes me laugh.

Everyone in the room stops what they are doing as my chuckle turns into a full-blown laugh. Looking around at each person, I can see the confusion on their face. I know I must look crazy, but I can't help it - I laugh as tears roll down my face.

I feel so stupid, so pathetic. A grown-ass woman who is afraid to disappoint her parents.

"Are you okay?" My father asks, glaring at me like I'm having a psychotic break. I nod because I couldn't speak a word if I wanted to. The wrong ones might come out.

"Is everything alright? Can we start the wedding?" The wedding planner asks, looking at me like some feral animal that has escaped its cage.

"Yes, she is alright. Give us five minutes, and we can start," My father responds with absolute certainty that I will be fine in five minutes.

That's all I will ever be.

"Are you sure you are fine? Kori asks, looking at me. Her eyes show the concern she has for me. Hayden stands to the side, glaring at my father. Even he can see I am not fine. "Do you need more time? I'm sure we can give you that."

Kori moves where she is directly in front of me. "Do you want to go through with this - Daphany?" She whispers the question, but I'm sure everyone hears her.

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