Chapter 25: Stone

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Three hours earlier

"Bossman. Bossman?"

"Yes," I answer, turning from the wall I've been staring at for the past thirty minutes. I was so far gone in my musing that I didn't hear him walk in.

"What's up? You called me down here - said it was an emergency." Jett asks as he leaning against the door he just entered.

I think over my next words. I don't want to sound like a crazy stalker, but I don't think I will be able to say this in a way that makes me sound like some hero.

"Okay," I jump up from my desk chair needing to stretch my legs or pace. It seems like I've been sitting in this chair for days with how much pent-up energy is in my body. "I need your help with something. But I need you to be open-minded. My next words will probably sound a little crazy, but believe me when I say - I'm not crazy."

Jett's forehead creases at my vague words. I know he has to be wondering what could have me acting like a caged lion. After a few seconds of silence, he shrugs as if that statement perfectly describes me.

"I need your help stopping a wedding," I state, a little bit more calmer than I feel. "And just to let you know beforehand - there may be a little kidnapping involved. But nothing else - crazy."

Jett just stares at me for a long minute. Even though his eyebrows are furrowed, I can't read anything from his expression. After a long minute, he finally scratches the side of his mouth right before his face splits into an amused grin. I don't say a word because his participation is the key to my plan. I haven't slept a wink. I've been trying to come up with a solid plan to get Ms. Moore out of that church today.

"So what's your plan?' He asks. I smile, already knowing that he is going to help.

"First, I am going to go and talk to Ms. Moore. I'm hoping to convince her to leave of her own free will, but knowing her - she will not. So that's where you come into play." I stop talking and grab the blueprints of the church.

I've had this idea swirling around taking up space since June told me about the wedding. I just needed a solid plan. I was hoping it didn't come to this, but some people need a little more convincing than others. Ms. Moore is one of those people. She's stubborn and has been raised in old-fashioned outdated ways. I can't or won't allow her to make a decision based on the fear of losing her controlling ass parents. We are meant to be together and If I have to burn that got damn church down to get her - I will.

"Ok, so what do I do."

"I need you to go down to the basement and turn off all the lights in the church. There are no windows in the sanctuary so they will need lights to see. Then I will pull the smoke alarm just for a little chaos, giving you time to pull the car around to the side. When I walk out with her you can drive us away. Nothing more. Just a simple snatch and go."

Jett's lips are turned up into an amused grin. "Just a simple snatch and go?" He laughs. "Boss man you have done some crazy shit in our time, but this right here has to be the craziest."

"She loves me. I know she does and if I don't do something to stop this wedding I will lose her because she is afraid to stand up to her parents."

"You know that this is a felony, right? You also know that there are cameras everywhere. We won't be able to get away with this."

"I called in a favor. The cameras will be taken care of for two hours. That should give us plenty of time to get in and get out. I know that I am asking a lot from you but I love her. I have never had feelings this strong for another woman, and I can't let a marriage that she doesn't want come between us. I have to fight for her even if I have to fight her."

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