Chapter 10: Stone

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"What tha fuck," I yell out in the room when I hear my phone beeping. Opening one eye I see it's barely daylight.

"This better be important, " I say when I answer the phone to stop that incessant beeping.

"Morning Bossman. Sorry to bother you this fine Sunday morning but we got a hit on one of Savannah Stephens's credit cards. I'm heading out to Benton to see about getting the surveillance footage."

"Where did she use the card?"

"Gas station."

"Ok, yeah check that out and keep me posted."

"Yes sir, Bossman," Jett replies before hanging up.

Rolling out of the bed, I stand and slowly make my way to the bathroom. As I'm walking I run through my mental checklist of everything I need to do today. The first thing on my list is to tell Ms. Lynch to get Ashley's room ready. She'll be here next weekend for spring break. Secondly, check the surveillance cameras over at the MC's clubhouse I had a friend from the light company install. I try to remember to check them every day to get everyone's routine down, so I'll know how to proceed.

I finish up in the bathroom and quickly get dressed. When I step out of my room something feels different, and I tense. "Please don't let her be here already. I don't need the shit." Briskly walking down the stairs, I try to mentally prep myself for whatever bullshit she throws at me.

"Doc, come on and eat girl," I call out before coming to a sudden stop when I step into the kitchen. I spot her sitting over at the table in the breakfast nook reading the newspaper and drinking her morning cup of coffee.

"How long has she been here," Is my first thought. "And who the hell still reads the paper." Is my last thought before taking another step.

She's already dressed and ready, in a white blouse, black pants, and those damn pearls; looking to put together for this time of the morning.

"I know you don't have that dog in my house," she says, not even looking up.

"My house."

She finally looks up and over at me with her left brow raised in question. Her reading glasses are perched at the end of her nose. "So now it's your house?"

"Yep," I say nodding and walking over to the coffee pot to pour myself a cup. "My rules."

Doc Holiday takes that moment to wobble in the kitchen. Her food and water bowls are already full. She walks straight to them not giving June one look.

"Why must you keep a dog in the house? Animals belong outside, Cole." She folds up the newspaper. "Why are you here and not at that trailer."

"How long are you gonna be here?" I ask ignoring her questions because I don't give two shits if having my dog in my house makes her feel some kinda way. And I will not be entertaining her by answering questions her ass already knows.

"I'm not sure. I have some business that needs my attention. Are you not happy to see me?" I don't respond because sometimes it's best to keep some comments to yourself, especially if it's something mean. "When are you getting Ashley. I want to see her before I leave."


"And she will be here the whole week."


"Well good. I haven't seen her in quite some time. It will be good to spend some time with her. I miss her." She stares out the windows looking out at the wide-open backyard. She has a sorrowful expression and it surprises me a little.

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