Controlled 14: Stone

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A few days earlier

"Are you sure about this boss man?"

"Yeap," I answer as we walk into the tire shop.

"Why are we here instead of the warehouse?" Jett whispers the question as we walk straight to Remington O'Connor's office.

"Because he doesn't do business at the warehouse between the hours of nine and five," I reply smiling. "You know he's a movie freak." It's true the guy is obsessed with gangster movies and likes to live his life based on scenes from movies.

Now don't get me wrong the guy doesn't have one damn marble up top. His whole life can be summoned up in one word - crazy, and you can add the as fuck just to add emphasis to how dark and twisted his mind can be. So it doesn't help that he also tries to live his life based on mottos from movies.

Jett snickers and it makes me smile. We get to the door and I look straight up at the camera knowing Remy is already watching it closely. The door buzzes and automatically pops open. Pushing the door open completely, Jet and I are greeted by four men dressed in regular jeans, t-shirts, and jackets. Their jackets bulge out just a little, so I'm sure everyone is hiding multiple guns.

"Stone what tha feck ya want. I don't have time for any other bullshit," Remy says with his back toward me looking down at something on his desk.

"Don't give me shit, Remy. You already know what I need, I'm sure you've heard."

He finally looks up and back at me. A slowly calculating smile comes across his face. "Problem with da Mouseketeers?" He asks and all of his mean laughs. "Me fecking told ya not to join up with the dirty eejits. Ya can't trust rednecks on bikes."

The man has lived in America since he was a child, but a few summers in Ireland has the man sounding like he's fresh from across the pond. "I need a favor." He frowns. "You owe me...a favor for a favor," I say using words he would better understand and get behind.

"Ok, out with it."

Great, he remembered. A few months back I informed him the FBI had been keeping a very close eye on him. "First I need your help with taking down the MC. I can't have them thinking they have run me off so easily, but I also don't have the manpower to do it myself. Second I need your help capturing Gabriel Stephen's wife - ex-wife. I don't need you to do anything. Once I give you word I just need you to pick her up...Gabriel will do the rest."

"That was two requests. I only owe ya one favor."

"You know I'm good for another favor." He eyes me, but I know he will do both. Remington is the kind of man that needs adventure in his life. That's why he watches all those movies, they give him ideas on how to feed his dramatic nature.

"Wat ya thinking on doing?" He asks walking around his desk and sitting down in his chair. "I hope it's blowing up some shit because I don't have time for that special ops shit ya like doing. I want to feel the boom."

I look over at Jett and I can see his eyes go wide. Jett likes to go in and be quiet. Making noise is not his thang, but this time I don't mind. "It's cool. They burned down my house we can blow up their clubhouse." Everyone burst out laughing at - clubhouse.

"And why are we picking up Stephen's wife?" That questions come from Patrick, Remy's first in command. Remy is a ginger, but Patrick's hair is a darker red. It's so bright against his very pale skin it almost looks as if it's been highlighted with a purple or something. He's a big mutha fucker too, one that I have seen knock out a man with just one hit.

"Ex-wife. She's crazy and a threat to his family." Everyone nods their head as if no more explanation is needed. Just those words have solidified any other explanation.

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