Controlled 16: Stone

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"Stone, I could kill you," McKenzie says right before the attendant opens her door to my blue and white Bugatti Chiron. She stumbles out holding onto the guy's hand and the side of the car. "I feel sick. I can't believe you."

"What," I ask, walking around the car feeling quite amused. "You said to go fast."

"I meant regular fast...not the fucking starship fast." I burst out laughing, causing her to roll her eyes and moan. After a few seconds of pulling herself together, Mckenzie stands up straight and runs her hands down her black satin slip dress with thin straps that criss-cross in the back. I hold out my arm so she can loop her arm through mine. Feeling a slight tightness in my chest at the anticipation of seeing her - Miss. Moore tonight.

We stroll into the State Capitol, arm in arm for tonight's Gala. "I can't believe I let you convince me to come to this. This is going to be so fucking boring," she whisper-yells as she smiles and nods at Senator Missy Mayberry. "What is this for anyway?"

I shrug because I honestly don't know. "I'm not sure," I answer as I scan the room for Ms. Moore. The area that they are having this function in is crowded with stuck-up rich people dressed in tuxedos and elegant dresses.

"What?" McKenzie all but yells as she pulls her arm loose and spins to face me. "Cole...why are we even here," she whines like a toddler. I laugh and wonder if McKenzie is a little bipolar. "Stone, you know I hate these things. I could be at home right now watching my paint dry with my legs spread wide, pleasuring myself with my bullet." I chuckle as I watch her face go from a pout to a frown. Yeah, maybe just a little bipolar.

"I promise we are not staying long," I tell her as I scan the area again for Daphany. The first person I spot is Vilonia standing and talking with Elizabeth Langley. She spotted me the same time I spotted her and she waves Mckenzie and me over as she mouths help.

"Is that Cam Newman's mother?" McKenzie asks as she begins scanning the crowded room. I'm guessing for Cam who I can guarantee is not here tonight. He never shows up to events like this. "I hope he's here. I heard he was a fucking sex good in the bed, and I need some good sex in my life," She says looking around.

"Cole, I'm glad to see you," Vilonia says as we walk closer. " remember June's son Cole?"

Elizabeth's eyes scan me from head to toe with her pert nose turned up like I have dog shit on me. I look down at myself just to make sure because I was playing with Doc Holiday before I left, and you never know. "Yes." She turns her lip up in disgust. "...the biker delinquent that runs that bound place on Forbidden road." McKenzie turns trying to stifle her laugh.

Not caring one bit what this woman of all people thinks, I give her my brightest smile. Fuck her judgmental, lonely ass. "That's me. It's nice to meet you," I reply, pulling McKenzie closer, wrapping an arm around her waist. "This is my date, McKenzie Felker." Elizabeth's frown deepens going from disgust to an almost glare.

"Are you Jonathan Felker's daughter?" She asks as that nose of hers turns up even higher.

"Yesss," McKenzie says hesitantly. "Why'd you ask?"


"So Cole, I saw Daphany here with her parents and her very nice looking fiance," Vilonia says, cutting off Elizabeth as she grabs a champagne flute off a tray of a passing waiter. "She looked gorgeous."

"You did," I say smiling down at McKenzie who is glaring at Elizabeth who has silently walked off talking to another couple over.

"Honey you can't let women like that get to you," Vilonia says, also noticing McKenzie. "That's what happens when you don't get regular sex." Mckenzie and I both burst out laughing causing people around us to stop and look. Vilonia shrugs.

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