Chapter 13: Daphany

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My head is buried deep down in the covers when I hear my phone vibrate. I peek from under the covers and squint at the clock sitting on my drawer across the room. The time reads seven thirty-five am. Who the hell is calling this early on a Sunday?

Already knowing who it is without checking the display, I grab the phone and smile when I answer. "Morning," I say in as much as a sing-song voice I can muster since I just woke up.

"Hey to you. I don't think I have ever called and got this voice." My mood suddenly sours when I realize who it is. "If this is your morning voice - I think I'm going to love waking up to you every morning."

I roll my eyes and sit all the way up. Fuck. What the hell does he want? "Hey...Robert." My voice drops a few octaves and my words come out dry, flat, and uncaring.

He laughs. "Sweetheart, were you expecting someone else? I hope you're not out giving my goods to someone else...are you?" He chuckles. "I hope not. What would the parents say if they found out that I had to cancel the wedding because my sweet innocent fiancée was out here giving my goods away?"

"First of all, we both know that there is nothing sweet or innocent about me. So tell me what the fuck you want at the crack of dawn before I hang up."

He laughs again. "I can't wait to marry you. I'm going to have that mouth under control in no time." He sighs and it comes through the phone loud and annoying like him. "I was thinking we could have dinner and maybe a movie tonight. Spend some time together. I was also hoping you could come over for the night. You're right there's no need to think you've been a perfect angel waiting on me."

"Robert, are you asking me for sex?"

"Yes, I am. Why wouldn't I; we are going to be married in less than six months."

"Look. I'm not sure why you are going along with this shit with my parents, but I don't want you on me, over me, or in me. We have as you said less than six months, so get your rocks off with someone else."

"Why are you being so difficult? Are you seriously saying that you don't have an ounce of attraction to me because honestly, I've liked you since we were kids? This could be a great marriage. If you would just try and stop going against everything because it's your parents' idea."

I lay back on my bed and let his words play in my head. Do I always go against things because it's my parent's idea? Could I be overlooking a great man because my parents picked him?

"So, what-"

"Ok. Dinner and a movie," I say cutting him off before any other words can come out his mouth. "...but no sex. I'm not ready for that."

"Oookay...but do you think you will be ready anytime soon?"

"No." I sigh and roll my eyes. "I mean...I'm not sure. I have never looked at you as anything but an enemy...a rival, an annoying kiss ass. I had no fantasy of us one day getting married or having sex...ever."

"Damn...that was harsh."

"I know. I'm always harsh - that's why I win more cases than you." He laughs and his laughter makes me smile a little. His real laugh is nice.

"You got me there. Ok, well...I will see you later...this evening at about five?."


He hangs up and my mind goes straight to Cole. I haven't told him that I am officially engaged and I'm not sure how to if I'm being honest. Stumbling to a stranger's door has turned into so much more and I don't know what to do with these feelings. How do I just walk away?

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