aubrielle sighed as she stretched out of her bed, "how is it saturday already?" she lightly groaned. although she had woken up an hour prior; she hadn't gotten ready, she hasn't eaten, she hasn't checked up on james, she hasn't even got out of bed.
that wasn't aubrielle, she would normally wake up and practically sing as she got herself ready in her apartment, to go no where. but she didn't mind because she usually spent the whole day with her son, something that stuck as routine.
except for today, today she was dreading going to this appointment. she had a lot of realization upon the confrontation with- well herself. she came to realization that she wasn't the best at making decisions. although she will never admit it, she realized that it was true, in the long run.
even with this. even with her knowing. she was too stubborn to do anything with it. therefore, she sticks to what she knows. men aren't worth it -from her experience-.
despite all the logic she was being thrown at since she's talked to daniel. she can't help herself but stay grounded in her roots. the roots that isolate herself. the ones that tell her she doesn't need anyone else, if she really tried.
it might seem failure in progress for aubrielle. but she let daniel go with her to an appointment. she let daniel stay in her apartment. she let daniel hold her son. she let daniel talk about them. she accepted to meet daniel. she accepted to call him.
she wouldn't have done this a year ago, not even close. so she indeed was, making slow but some progress. it just seems she keeps retreating back to her guards.
aubrielle brought her hair tie out of her loose pony tail that had fallen from a bun in her sleep. she stretched some more and walked to the crib held with a sleeping james. just like every single time, a small smile is placed on her lips. with a bit more brain power, she pulled herself away from her sleeping son, pulling together a simple outfit and heading into the bathroom connected with her bedroom.
as she got into the hot shower, she let her thoughts move freely in her mind; what happens after the appointment. what if james wasn't daniels. would she have to get into contact with whoever james father is. what if daniel doesn't show up. what if daniel just takes this information and leaves. what if daniel doesn't want anything to do with them. what if she truly couldn't afford to take care of a second child. what if she didn't have the ability to on her own.
her mind traveled a bit with each thought but each thought traveled to another worry quickly after. and before she knew it, she hoped out of the shower and quickly got ready for the rest of the day. breakfast and james, more so his babysitters.
there was a knock on the door and a deep breath from aubrielle. she kissed her son's forehead before carefully handing him to nicolette. hailey had the luxury of opening the door, "go on, don't want to be late for your appointment" she ushered
"but- alright" aubrielle easily complied, and listened to the small noise that came from daniel's throat, he wanted to speak, but stayed silent. the two walked down the stairs in silence, daniel held his keys in his hands, he wore sweatpants and a hoodie with the hood up. while aubrielle wore leggings and a sweater, a beanie over her head.
aubrielle took her car keys out of her sweater, she was quick to notice the small hesitation from daniel, "i'll be driving the both of us" he tiredly spoke
aubrielle scoffed lightly, "not a chance" she retorted, causing daniel to stop, "i'm driving or we both just drive ourselves" she turned to him. this is when she realized the bags under his eyes, the blood vessels in his eyes standing out, and a pink tint in the white of his eyes: exhaustion.
he shook his eyes, narrowing his eyes slightly, "we haven't even made commitment and you're already arguing" he muttered and aubrielle didn't fail to hear but before she could speak, he spoke up louder, "just let me drive us both, it'll be easier, and maybe we can talk about this on the half an hour drive to the health care and pharmacy"
"half an hour" aubrielle breathed out, "you don't even know where it is, we're not going to your regular doctors, therefore it'll be easier if i drived" she crossed her arms
"great. you can direct me to this special doctor place when you're seated in the passengers seat of my car" he spoke, and continued descending down the stairs, a bit more hurriedly now
aubrielle slowly followed, "it's called prenatal care"
despite her annoyance from his ignorance, she trailed behind daniel as he led them both to his car. she let out a deep sigh and uncomfortably sat in the passengers seat of his expensive car. without any words, daniel started his car and until he arrived on the freeway and grew tired of the silence he turned down the volume of the radio, it was still audible just faint, "why are you so tense?" he questioned and received no response from aubrielle, "just relax, will you?"
just then, aubrielle realized her position, she rolled her shoulder back and then relaxed a bit as she bent her neck left and right. she then crossed her hands in her lap once again without a single word.
"this would be a lot easier if you said something" daniel grumbled as he tightened his grip on the stirring wheel and switched into the carpool lane.
"there's really nothing to say" aubrielle spoke, "nothing i'd like to say" she corrected so it would be a more truthful statement. more truthful.
daniel let out a breath, "how long have you been in los angeles?"
"a little over a year"
"me too, i moved further in with my two brothers for around the same time, thanks for asking" daniel spoke, "why did i move a few cities down? lease went out and I didn't want to pay for a house quite yet" there was a moment of silence before he spoke again, "what,, how... do, you talk to your parents still?" he stuttered
yet again, there was another moment of silence, "you work, right? where do you work?"
he sighed once again, not satisfied enough to let the silence consume their car ride, "i'm in a band, have been for a little over five years" he breathed out, "um, i'm 22, my birthday is on april 2nd, i technically just got back from tour, about two months ago,, wanna give me something about yourself?"
"not really"
"please, you're not really making this any easier" daniel explained in a pleading tone. aubrielle wasn't really sure if he genuinely cared about the information he would give her, or if this had something to deal with in the long run, like trust. that is, if there is a long run.
"i'm also 22, my birthday is in may" she paused to think of something else to say
"may what?" he asked, "i know it's 99, but what day?"
"the 11th" she answered, "that's about it really, i know, i'm boring"
"that can't be it" he refused, "what do you do for work? what do you do in your spare time?" as if an idea sparked in his head, he spoke his next sentence a little bit more excited than the rest, "what's your favorite thing about james?"
aubrielle exhaled lightly, a small smile appeared from the thought of james, but as quickly as it appeared, it vanished. but reappeared when she spoke, "his giggle,, his eyes,, his dimples,, everything, he's my favorite in this world"
"what's his full name?" he asked, glancing quickly at the girl
"james dan anders" she spoke with a satisfied smile on her face
that's what daniel asked for the rest of the car ride. the one thing aubrielle would gladly talk about, james.

Fanfiction"you didn't think you could've gotten pregnant with the same guy TWICE and not have him find out, did you?" "well I could've hoped" "wait, TWICE?!?" "oh shit."