from the blunt statement daniels face had gained a tint of pink while aubrielle furrowed her eyebrows, dropping the violin from her shoulder to her side before finally rolling her eyes. "zach, what the hell are you talking about?" daniel groaned, he was clearly frustrated with the situation. he took back the violin aubrielle had held out to him and hung it back up on the wall.
"what! i didn't do anything! is this not the girl you guys were talking about?" zach asked, looking between daniel, the guy standing next to him(which aubrielle had briefly met), and to aubirelle.
"i brought up a few conversations about you" daniel explained, looking at aubrielle apologetically
"and I'm the one who mentioned the cute part" the other guy raised his hand, "maybe I should've introduced myself properly" he walked up to aubrielle, "i'm corbyn" he held out his hand, which aubrielle reluctantly took, "and the guy that blurted that statement out was-
"zach. yeah. i have ears" aubrielle cut him off finishing his sentence, taking her hand back
"oh! she's fiesty!" zach commented
aubrielle sharply sucked in a breath before speaking, "i'll be inside" she spoke particularly to no one before leaving the room and letting the door shut behind her. while she took her time going inside because she didn't know where she would settle herself. zach was the first to speak out of the three
"did i say something wrong?" zach asked, frantically looking between the two, "was she not the girl you two have been talking about?"
"yes, she was, but I don't think she was a fan that we were talking about her nor did she like your comment about her" corbyn explained, letting daniel calm himself; once his frustrated breaths became relaxed and he stopped harshly touching his face. he turned to zach, walking closely up to him, causing corbyn to do the same out of wariness.
"i was literally making progress with her and you had to barge in here and ruin it" he rebuked, his voice low in explanation. corbyn put a hand on his chest to maintain a distance between the two.
"look man, I'm sorry, no one warned me that was going to happen" he defensively said, backing up with his hands lining up with his shoulders
"and no one taught you how to respectively greet someone either, but it should still be expected" daniel argued, scoffing slightly as he walked out of the studio room.
zach quickly followed behind him, "i'm gonna apologize to her, if it makes you feel any better, i thought you should know" he explained, walking ahead of him
"let me talk to her first, I'll apologize on your half, then you can" daniel explained, it was technically a suggestion but daniel wasn't going to argue about it. corbyn followed in, making sure to close the sliding door after them.
aubrielle was standing in the kitchen with a glass of water in her hands. one of daniel's bandmates sat across from her on a stool, the kitchen island between them. where they held a decent conversation to daniels surprise, "i see you've met jonah" he commented, walking up to her, close enough so he could lean in and whisper in her ear, "can i talk to you for a moment? about earlier?"
"we were just talking about which one was better, coffee or tea" jonah shared, "clearly coffee is better, thoughts?" he asked, more so for the guys to fill in their answers

Fanfiction"you didn't think you could've gotten pregnant with the same guy TWICE and not have him find out, did you?" "well I could've hoped" "wait, TWICE?!?" "oh shit."