"I regret agreeing to this sleepover" aubrielle groaned when corbyn gently pulled her arm with a smile, so she would get off the couch.
"no you don't!" daniel sang as she left his side. there was currently a 'party' going on. there was music and there was dancing, and surprisingly james; who was on daniel's lap, loved it. the smile hadn't wiped off his face the second he got inside.
corbyn lead her to the living room where other people were dancing in the seavey residence, "just let loose for once," corbyn spoke, pulling her closer to speak in her ear, "daniel told me how you didn't have time for yourself" he explained with a smile as he spun the girl around.
aubrielle hesitantly did so, "daniel told you?" she questioned a slight smile on her face, "guess he can never get me off his mind if he's talking about me" she joked and added a shrug to the end of her sentence.
"actually," corbyn paused to pull her closer to him, he slowly lead the rhythm of their bodies to match the beat of the music, "he talks about you a lot more than you'd think"
"oh yeah?" aubrielle smiled, raising an eyebrow in amusement. the more she knew about this, the more she would gain to tease daniel with. she clearly enjoyed this.
"yeah," he replied, "but don't get hopeful because I can't tell you what he says" he shrugged with a smirk on his face. he had easily predicted her motives, "gotta keep the words with the boys" he explained, pausing slightly before dipping her.
aubrielle laughed at the action, she didn't speak until he brought her back up, "boys you say? so you mean I can essentially get this from someone else?" she asked, a temptation lightening in her eyes.
"maybe, maybe not" he replied, "and also" he stopped dancing, aubrielle tilted her head from the lack of action. even if it wasn't long, she actually enjoyed the dancing, "congratulations on the second" he said and pulled her into another hug.
"uh, how um-" before aubrielle could stammer out her sentence corbyn cut her off to spin her and he pulled her close to begin dancing again.
"daniel told me" he explained, "not intentionally though, he slapped his hand over his mouth as soon as it came out" he laughed lightly from the thought of it.
"can't trust that boy with anything" aubrielle responded shaking her head with a smile on her face.
corbyn paused at this, hesitating before they smoothly danced, "you don't mean that. I don't need to know you long enough to tell that you have something for him, you care about him, there's no denying it" he claimed and aubrielle furrowed her eyesbrows at this. she wasn't confused or concerned, she was just thinking about what he said.
he was right, aubrielle felt something towards him, since the beginning. if she didn't they would get in a lot more arguments. if she didn't she wouldn't even be at his house, let alone talking to him. and the reason for this? she was finally ready to accept what happened with her ex and is moving on. she was ready to move on and that's why she was always drawn to him.
she was ready to start something new, and before she could think about it more, daniel's hand had touched corbyn's shoulder, "may I have this dance?" he spoke in a joking manner, a grin on his face. aubrielle couldn't help but smile at his antics, she couldn't help but smile when daniel handed james to corbyn and wrapped his arms around her waist.

Fanfiction"you didn't think you could've gotten pregnant with the same guy TWICE and not have him find out, did you?" "well I could've hoped" "wait, TWICE?!?" "oh shit."