"...no" daniel shook his head. frustratedly rubbing his face in his hands before cupping his nose and tucking his thumbs under his chin then looked at aubrielle, "how?"
she narrowed her eyes at him. already upset with his reaction, "what do you mean 'how' is it that hard to understand?" she asked, annoyance peaking through her voice.
"shit, I mean" he noticibaly gulped "are- are you sure it's mine?" he asked
"yes, I'm sure, and when the baby arrives we can even do a dna test if you're that unsure" aubrielle practically spat, "I did the math and everything, and you're the last guy I slept with in the past two months. so I know it can't be anyone else's"
there was a moment of silence before he spoke. just about before she was going to get up and leave, "so you're keeping it?" he asked
she rolled her eyes before answering, "yes. I am"
"sorry, I didn't mean it to sound like, i- didn't- sorry" he apologized and another silence appeared. a much shorter one, "how far are you? like how many weeks or days?" he asked
"I don't know yet" she answered "I just know that my friends told me you deserved to know. so now you know" she stood up, "do what you want with that, I guess" she mumbled before walking away
"wait! you can't just leave" he said, quickly jogging over to her. "have you made an appointment yet? how are you so calm about this? how long have you known?"
she hasn't. she has another kid at home. a week, but her digital test was yesterday.
"what do you think of this?" she asked nonchalantly, ignoring all of his questions.
"a lot, a whole hell of a lot" he practically blurted
"cool" she said, "do you have anything to say to me now?" she asked
"i- am I supposed to?" he asked and she rolled her eyes about to turn around to the door, "wait, I mean, this is a lot to take in. why can't you answer any of my questions?"
"I've known for a while and I had a lot of time to think of it with some good friends" she answered. particularly not the full truth. but she wouldn't consider it a lie.
",,are you serious? about this?" he asked
a faint disgusted expression grew on her face, "what the fuck? what the hell is that supposed to mean? i knew this was a bad idea. i should've never came" she said, completely turning around
daniel jogged around her and pressed his back to the door, "please. just, stay. let me wrap my head around this. let me explain myself. I'm not good at this kind of stuff"
"what do you mean by 'this kind of stuff'?" she asked. not verbally agreeing with him.
"big announcements. life impacting information. you need to understand that all I thought I was doing, is meeting the girl I met twice at some bar" he explained
"i know, I know, my friend told me to not be upset when you ask for time" aubrielle admitted, "it's just a bit frustrating"
"yes! time, that's exactly what I need. but before, I'm going to explain myself, okay?" he asked, stepping away from the door
"sure" aubrielle shortly answered
"the reason why I asked if you were serious was because this happened a time before. some girl baited me saying she was pregnant and threatened to tell management which would ruin my whole career if I didn't have a relationship with her" he explained, "now that I know you're serious. keep in mind that i barely know you but I still don't want to put you in anything unhealthy" he admitted
"that being said, it seems like you have this more in control than I do. if you need anything like money for bills or for the baby. I'll provide it for you" he offered "I'll come with you to the first appointment, if you're comfortable with that" he said, "what do you think?"
it was a nice gesture. a nice offer. maybe he didn't know the choice of words and impact of how he phrased it would effect her response. because from what aubrielle took out of it. there is no way he intentionally meant it, right?
management and his reputation are more important.
he doesn't know her. he doesn't want to commit.
he's decided he wouldn't be there as a father figure. just the person who pays for them.
he'll come to the first appointment. then the only trace of him will be the money transactions.
",,seems like I made a mistake in coming here. should've just texted you I was pregnant" aubrielle stated, shaking her head as she opened the door and left his house.
"...fuck" he breathed out
but what aubrielle didn't know. was that hailey and nicolette knew this was going to happen. they knew she wasn't going to openly let him in her life. even after she told him she has a part of him.
and what he didn't understand was why she left. but he was warned that she was going to. all he had to do was update hailey from the number she gave him. things would be taken from there.
something aubrielle was completely unaware of. something daniel was completely unsure of. he had the option to call. and by calling he was representing some sort of commitment. or maybe he just wants some closure of what exactly he was told about.
there's plenty of reasons why he chose to call.

أدب الهواة"you didn't think you could've gotten pregnant with the same guy TWICE and not have him find out, did you?" "well I could've hoped" "wait, TWICE?!?" "oh shit."