aubrielle frustratedly opened her apartment door. she spent the whole car ride regretting her choice on going. and murmuring other things on her mind.
"I'm guessing it didn't go well" hailey cautiously said
"you guess?" aubrielle hissed, "I knew it was a bad idea! you two just wouldn't listen to me!"
"you didn't even give him a chance!" hailey yelled "you should've told him you'd wait for a response!"
"how do you know I didn't?" aubrielle questioned "I did mention giving him time, so you're also wrong about that"
"because I know you elle!" hailey yelled. she also just got a brief update from daniel over the phone. "why are you so stubborn?" she groaned
"i had stuff happen to me. i knew from experience that it wouldn't go well. yet you guys insisted on me talking to him" aubrielle stated
"of course it wasn't going to go well! especially by the way you handled things! he deserves to know and he deserves some fucking time to think!" hailey yelled
"that's enough, ladies" nicolette calmly said, approaching the two in the living room. "james is asleep in your bedroom" she said
"did he eat?" aubrielle asked. a complete change of tone and mood.
"yes, he did, just about ten minutes ago actually" nicolette answered, "how did things go?"
"well, what do you think?" aubrielle sassed
"now, don't be so rude" nicolette insisted
"terrible, basically what I took from it is that he'll give us money which I'd rather not take" aubrielle said "he didn't believe me and insisted on not commiting because of management"
"he didn't say that" hailey claimed "that's just what she got from it" she clarified "elle, we both know that's not what he means. he just wants to be cautious, for you"
"how would you know? how do you know he didn't mean it? how do you know he actually wants to be cautious? why is he cautious? why are you defending him so much? is there something I do-"
"elle" nicolette said "elle" she repeated and when she gasped for air she turned to nicolette, "please stop stressing over this situation. it's because we just know you elle, especially in this type of situation"
"then why did you make me talk to him? why did I have to talk to him? why can't I just raise this one on my own just like I did with james? why can't you guys just be supportive for once on my decision?" aubrielle desperately questioned
"elle" nicolette quietly spoke
"are you serious?" hailey snapped, "I've been saying it all this time. he. deserved. to. fucking. know. can you get that through your head?" she asked "we're trying to support you by guiding you through being a mother. I don't have to be here for you. I don't have to deal with your shit and stubbornness. i don't have to do anything for you. i don't owe you anything" hailey stated
"but you wanna know why I do? you wanna know why I want the best for you? you wanna know why I want you to give him a chance? why I want you to give men a chance? why I want you to realize that james can happily have two parents? you want to know how I'm supporting you by doing all of this? by sticking through your side? do you want all the detail?" hailey fired questions at her "and it's a simple answer, so don't think hard on it... it's because I love you, I envy you, and I will always want the best for you. even after you don't like me anymore, I will always want the best for you, always"
and for once. she was able to get through aubrielle. maybe it was hailey's watery eyes. because hailey never cries. ever. this was something serious to her. this was something important.
"I'm sorry I'm so stubborn, I'm sorry I'm so guarded on this topic, I'm sorry for all the frustration I put you through, I'm sorry that you go through so much trouble when you're just trying to support me, I'm sorry I make this so much harder than it has to be, I'm sorry I'm built the way I am, I'm sorry I've dragged you into this mess"
"elle, don't you dare be sorry for your experiences and now reactions. don't you dare be sorry and invalidate your own feelings like that. you have every right to feel the way you do with men because of your past. and don't you dare be sorry for something you can't control like this so called mess" nicolette said "we're here for you, and we need you to understand that we just want the best for you, we all just need to communicate better and we need to calmly do so" nicolette soothed
"guess it's my turn" hailey started off "I'm sorry I get so heated in things, just how I'm wired I guess" she shrugged "I've been trying to see things from your side but once you know my side, you'll know exactly why I feel this way" hailey said, "you're one of my good friends but I literally haven't told anyone this, not even jay and I legit do a lot of shit with her" she giggled lightly "but I forgive you, and I hope we can calmly discuss. for the better future of james and the little one in there"
she sighed, "alright, we'll talk about the future of james" aubrielle agreed "but, what do you mean by you haven't told anyone this? would you want to talk about it now?"
"thank you elle, I appreciate you listening. and I'll tell you one day, I'd rather not say it now. I want you to understand me, not to guilt trip you" hailey explained, for once her voice wasn't harsh or filled with eager energy
"I get it. when you're ready, you know we're here" aubrielle said
"yes, and I'm assuming you'll tell me very soon. to get rid of some of that stress you're holding in" nicolette said, and hailey nodded in response.
aubrielle understood their duo. she knew they had more history than what she was told when she first met them. she never really asked about their history. maybe its because she didn't care. or maybe it's because the history was the past and she was more about the future. or could it possibly be because she was too caught up in her own bullshit to even consider the problems of her good friends.
that didn't matter. it didn't matter at all. not to the duo. and not to her because she never thought about it. nicolette and hailey have been through hell together. they know they have each other's backs. and they agreed to help aubrielle with her situation. just like they did with nicolette's cousins breakup.
although it's very different situations. they also met in very different situations. one was destined of relation. the other was built off consideration and care.
the point is. they made a promise. to help aubrielle with her pregnancy, but at that time it was james. and also at that time, they never knew they would be such good friends with her.
but the reason of this promise. the reason of this consideration. the reason of their bonding relationship.
was because it meant a lot more to hailey than one would think. something very personal to her and that she was willing to connect it with aubrielle. respectfully, of course.
as for nicolette. it wasn't just because her best friend was doing it. it was because she couldn't possibly leave a women in a middle of a breakdown at the outside of a hospital.
not again she couldn't. not again.
and all aubrielle thinks. all she thinks is they were just some good people that wanted to help her.
which is true
but the history behind it. the story behind it. it means much more. and she'll soon take interest in it. just one topic at a time, and the one she agreed to: the future of james. but that wouldn't speak alone without the parent dynamic and the future with daniel.

Fanfiction"you didn't think you could've gotten pregnant with the same guy TWICE and not have him find out, did you?" "well I could've hoped" "wait, TWICE?!?" "oh shit."