Jet Lag

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I have to admit the 11 hour flight we had from Georgia to Montpellier, France, which was the first stop on the tour was pretty entertaining and fun.

Usher had to catch a later flight because he had a previous engagement. But the flight I was on was full of nothing but Usher's people (band, dancers - he had hella dancers, other staff etc.) and Aug's people (band, his two dancers, staff.)
I had been on tours before, but never anything this huge. Being in a confined space with so many people and different personalities.

Usher's dancers would bust out dancing in the aisles. Aug's band and him would bust out into gospel music like we were at church. And T, or Rev. T as we called him, delivered a hell of a sermon over the intercom that had even the pilot saying Amen. No really he said Amen over the speakers.

I could tell this was going to be a heck of an experience. And DJ's talkative ass fit right in. He was talking to everybody from Aug's crew to Usher's and gained an affinity for one of Usher's background dancers. The whole flight he talked about how he was going to make this dude his husband.

One problem - Dude wasn't gay. But that didn't stop DJ from having his little crush.

Me and Aug were cordial. I caught him glancing at me during the flight seeing as he sat across the aisle from me. But I probably said one word to him the whole flight - Hi.And that's all I planned to say unless, we had to have a conversation.

I wasn't upset per se that he wasn't ready for a relationship. I understand that. I didn't know if I was all that ready. But I just hated dishonest people. You make up lies to get out of hanging me. You don't call me or text me back. And then just randomly show up at my house coming clean, expecting everything to be cool. its not.

I'm a grown ass woman. I prefer you being upfront, then playing games. I knew I should've ignored Lauren and just never went over his house that day.

Up until the tour he would send me texts and try to call, but if it wasn't about the money, I didn't respond. And it was going to stay like this, the entire tour.

We all reached the airport and there were vans waiting to take us to our hotel. Me, DJ, And The Squad which was Aug's band and his backup dancers rode together back to the hotel. I was unpacking and DJ had went straight to his room and was knocked out.

I think everybody was tired. We had that Jet Lag. The changing time zones, mixed with being on a flight all day was not good for the body. on top of that, they had rehearsals tonight.

I decided that I was just going to take a shower, then get some rest. Then later me and DJ planned to explore Montpellier, while everyone else was at rehearsals. I guess that was one of the good things about not being a part of the band.

But my job would kick in bright and early tomorrow, when Aug had a few interview runs with radio and a French blogger I had orchestrated.

I took my shower, changed into something comfortable and got in the bed. As soon as I was about to close my eyes I heard a knock on my door.

What does DJ want?

I got up to get the door, but wasn't met by DJ.

"You gon' let me come in?" He said in a low tone, looking down at my nipples that were poking through my tank.

When he noticed I caught him, he looked at my face.

I left him at the door and got a sweatshirt out of my luggage and put it on.

"What do you want?" I sat on the bed Indian style.

He sat in the chair at the desk facing me.

"I wanna know why you been ignoring me?"

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