Check Her

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Jazmine POV-

"Gerrod man, don't play with me." Aug was sitting in our hotel room about to get his hair cut. He was sitting in the chair scrolling through his IPAD.

"I gotta listen to the lady." Gerrod his barber said preparing to do his hair.

"Who paying you?"

"August you need an actual hair cut. Pretty soon you gon be looking like Gunplay. And you not sleeping to me if it gets like that." I said not loving his wild hair at all.

He gave me an unamused look and looked at Gerrod.

"G don't touch my shit. Just give me a clean ass taper and fire lining."

"You might as well not get nothing." I said sitting on the bed going through the questions he was going to be asked in a telephone interview we had to do with this blogger of a well known gossip site.

"Jazmine shut up before I say something to hurt your feelings."

"Like what?"

"Like if I took that weave out it would reveal your lack of edges."

I balled up a piece of paper and threw it at his head.

"I have edges negro."

"That's what Naomi Campbell thought too."

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes.

Gerrod started doing his hair.

"No questions about the fight right babe?"

"Yeah I'm not rehashing that."

I crossed it off the list.

"She has a question on here about the fall."

"No I'm done talking about that too."

I laid on my stomach with my feet crossed in the air and crossed it off the list.

"Did we agree on what I'm saying about this relationship thing?" He asked me.

I sighed. "As your publicist - single."

"What does my woman say?" He turned his eyes to look at me because he couldn't move his head while Gerrod was still doing his hair.

"Just say single."

"You cool with that?" Aug asked.

Gerrod looked at me for a second then back at Aug's hair.

NO! 😣


"When we got to call her?"

"In a few because I have to tell her what questions not to ask. Gerrod how long you gon be?"

"Give us 15 minutes."

"Aight." I got up.

"Where you going?" Aug asked me.

"Find DJ I'll be back nappy and happy." I laughed and got my key.

"Gimme a kiss before you go."

"Nigga." Gerrod sucked his teeth.

"August I'm coming right back."

"And? You don't leave my presence without kissing me."

"Goodbye." I went to the door.

"Aight don't bring yo ass back in here."

"You are so dramatic. Geez." I went to him and pecked his lips. He went into full blown kissing.

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