Excerpt New Book

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This is an excerpt from a new book. Well old one I had unpublished. Tell me what you think. Kierra in m/m. Kris played by K-Camp.****


I shut-down my computer and prepared to leave work.

"Kierra." My boss Gabrielle came over to my desk with a huge stack of files. She always does this, as soon as I'm about to leave.

I sighed heavily under my breath and plastered the biggest fakest smile I could conjure up on my face.

"My daughter has a dance recital in about..." She looked at her watch. "30 minutes. I gotta run home, change, then get there. I wasn't able to finish inputting the information into the computer. Can you do it for me please?" She said sweetly.

I looked around the office. It was a deserted island that only me and her were on. Every single person had left. That's because all of the other execs treat their secretaries like humans with lives. But not me. I got stuck with the asshole.

But she wasn't a blatant asshole. She was one of the "kind" ones, that kill you while smiling and saying great things about you. And how does she kill me you ask, by always springing shit on me at the last minute. Like I don't have a life too.

"I was about to go Gabby, I worked since six this morning." I tried to plead my case.

"I know and I'm so appreciative of that, but can you please just for me. I can't miss my daughters recital."

"Yeah." I sighed and took the files.

"Oh, thank you. Thank you. You're such a life saver. I would not run if it wasn't for you." She hugged me.

"Glad I could be of service." I patted her back.

She gave me a fake smile, went back to her office, grabbed her coat , waved good bye and walked out the door.

I literally had been in that office since 6 am. And when I left, the clock said 8. The only thing I was thinking about when I got back to my apartment was SLEEP.

Jesus I was tired. And then tomorrow I had to get back up and do it again.

I walked into my apartment, took off my shoes, then went into my room to change. As I walked in, unzipping my dress, what I found made me scream.

"Krissssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed to the top of my fucking lungs.

Some nigga was in my bed. Not my couch. Not my floor. MY BED. Snuggled all comfortably underneath my covers. "Krissssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

The dude woke up rubbing his eyes.


"Damn, why you yellin'?" He scrunched up his face and yawned.

"Why am I yelling? How did you fucking get in here, that's what I want to know."

"Kris told me I could stay here." He laid his head back down on the pillow.

"Stay here? This is not Kris' house, it's mine. And you got to go." I went over to the bed and ripped the covers off his body.

He had the nerve to be in my bed, with just his boxer-briefs on. I threw his clothes that were on the floor at him and pulled him up. He snatched his arm back.

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