I Wanna Be Ya Bestfriend Part 2

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Please listen to August's Planes remix---bae kills it!!!! 🙌🙌🙌

Jazmine POV -

"He wants me to go to Coco's." I was Facetiming DJ from my laptop as I was getting dressed.

"Cocos?" DJ raised his eyebrows perplexed.

"Yes. " I shook my head so aggravated, dropping my towel and putting on my underwear.

"Ain't nothing but thirsty thots trying to get chose by the celebrities that come through." DJ said.

"Exactly!!!!" I yelled putting on my bra.

DJ has seen my body a million times and it phases him not one bit. I could put my breast in his face and he wouldn't get aroused. We were just close like that. And we lived together so I couldn't hide

"And once they see August in there, their going to go wild."

I grabbed my olive oil off my dresser.

"And you know it's going to be hella packed." DJ said

"Thank you!!!" I put the olive oil on my legs, arms, and chest.

"Why he going to some Cocos?"

"I don't know. Maybe their paying him for a walk through." I looked in my closet for something to wear.

"Maybe." DJ shrugged.

"On top of that I have nothing to wear. Those women barely come in there with clothes. It might as well be a strip club."

I pulled out several dress options, but nothing seemed right.

I sat on my bed and plopped down on it sighing.

"I want to cry right now seriously. If I go to that club looking busted, I'm going to be the joke of social media."

"Don't start. You don't have to dress like them. Dress like you."

"I can't dress like me if I want to keep August. He sees me dressed vs. those chicks his eyes are going to stray all night."

"If he dare looks another bitch after how you took care of him, I will personally gauge that niggas eyes out."

I covered my face staring at the ceiling and kicked my feet in the air.

Why would he take me out of my comfort zone like this? I don't feel like competing for his attention. I don't feel like having to watch heauxs eyeing my man and being totally disrespectful to me.

August and I hadn't officially went out as a couple in public yet and I could feel the catastrophe.

I was trying to buy time until The Bet Awards, where we would be out publicly together, not speed this shit up by going to some damn Cocos.

"Jazz just go, focus on you two and try to have a good time. Don't let other women ruin your night."

"I'll try." I heard my phone buzzing.

"That's August, I'll call you bAck."


We hung up.

I picked up my phone. "Hey baby."

"Hey. I can't pick you up I got to take care of some stuff, so I'm sending a car. It should be there in like 45 mins."

"August do I have to go?" I whined.
"That's not my crowd baby."

"Babe just do something I want to do tonight, then whatever you want to do, we can do."

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