Big Heart

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Jazmine P.O.V. -

"He's an hour late." DJ smacked his lips and looked at his watch.

I rubbed my forehead and sighed. DJ and I were sitting on the leather couch in the lounge area of the radio station waiting for August. We asked him to meet us here at 7 so we could debrief and practice answering questions, but we now had 15 minutes before he was scheduled to be on air.

"We have called this nigga. Texted him and his team. He is so damn unprofessional. I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't' show." DJ huffed upset.

"Maybe their flight got delayed."

"Or maybe he's just a jackass."

I tried to call his manager one last time, but it went straight to voicemail.

"I guess I'll go tell them he's not coming." I conceded to just give up on the whole situation.

"I told you not to take his black ass on as a client. But no, you wouldn't listen. So do you girl. Do you. I could be laid up in the hotel getting my beauty rest."

I got up and went inside the control room of the radio station to talk to the DJ.

"And coming up in a few. We got August Alsina in the building and he's here to set the record straight. Don't touch your radio." Ivy the DJ said and went to commercial.

"Hey Ivy." I knocked on the door and came in.

"What's up? Is he here?" She took off her headphones.

"No. I've been trying to call his manager and him, and I've gotten no answer. I'm sorry. I don't know what's going on."

"It happens. These artist can be unreliable some time."

"Again I apologize."

"Girl it's cool. I'll make something up."

She turned back around and was about to speak into the mic, when the door opened and August appeared. Behind him was D and a huge dude, I'm assuming to be his body guard.

"Sorry about being late. We got a flat coming over here." D explained.

"Oh ok. I was worried. This is Ivy. She's the host."

Ivy stood up to shake August and D's hand.

"Keep it about the apology. Don't let them try to steer you into talking about that night. You don't have to explain." I whispered to Aug.

He just went to sit in front of his mic. I couldn't see his eyes under the shades and I didn't know whether he was receptive or not, but I wanted him to really just not let people get to him. The media's job is to incite you. Your reaction is their entertainment. I wanted him to remain calm.

"You ready?" Ivy looked at Aug.

He shook his head yes, chewing on his bottom lip.

"What's up St. Louis it's ya girl Ivy and I am here with the very , very talented Mr. August Alsina. What's good man?"

"What it doo-doo?" August said pulling his chair closer to the mic.

"How has life been for you sir? Survived a horrific accident. Just got off tour with Usher. Life must be good."

"I'm blessed man. Thanks for asking."

"So let's just jump into it. I know you're a busy man and I don't want to keep you all day. What happened at the State of Emergency Concert?"

"I'mma just say this. I didn't come to rehash that. Something happened. That's between me and Slim." August redirected the conversation.

In my head I was cheering him on. He actually listened.

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