Chapstick and Jealousy

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**** If you signed up to do the chapter, please check your dm. I sent the people chosen for the first round a message. Go to the link - READ ALL of the info. Post your comments on THAT link. NOT below. Try to do it asap so I can include them in the chapter for Sunday evening!

If you didn't get a message, but commented before I unpublished the chapter you will participate at a later date.

And yes that is Aug's real bag in the m/m lol****


"Why do you have three different chapsticks?" I was sitting on the bathroom sink, going through August's bag while he was shaving.

"Why are you being nosey?" He said lathering shaving cream on his face looking in the mirror.

"You snoop through my stuff too. And isnt three a little excessive?"

"not excessive if you want your lips right. If you tried at least one, maybe yours wouldn't be crusty." He claped back.

I reached my hand under the running water and flicked it onto his face.

He put his hand full of shaving cream across my face.

"Why would you do that?" I got a clean towel off his rack, dampened it, and wiped my face.

I took out my phone, since he wanted to be a butthole and put him on Instagram.

I showed my face them turned it toward the chapsticks. "Ladies I have three of August Alsina's chapsticks I'm selling. We got a cherry and two strawberry." I turned the camera to get a glimpse of August.

"Y'all tell her to use some." He said shaving.

"Cause as of right now, I feel bad for the nigga that got to kiss them shits. Cutting his lips and shit." He smirked and I cut the camera off.

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes and posted the video on my Instagram with the caption.

"Ladies want smooth lips like August Alsina? Giving out his chapsticks to the highest bidder."

"Do you know how much bacteria is on here with all these random women you be kissing." I looked at one of the chapsticks in disgust.

"For your information I don't kiss." He cleaned off this razor.

"What do you mean you don't kiss?"

"What I said, I don't kiss. That shit is nasty." He put some moisturizer on his face.

"So you never had a kiss?"

"I didn't say I didn't have a kiss, I said I don't kiss."

"When was your last kiss?"

"Uh...bout four years ago." He shrugged.

"Four years?"

"Yeah with my last girlfriend."

"So what do you do when you have sex?"

"You don't have to kiss somebody to have sex."

"And it's solely because you are paranoid about people's lips?"

"No. When you kissing somebody that's more intimate to me than having sex and I ain't found nobody I wanted to be that intimate with yet."

"And you don't think sticking your peen in somebody is intimate?"

"No, cause they got condoms."

"Wow you are interesting."

"So you go around kissing random niggas?"

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