The Bet

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**** I know some of y'all are like why does she keep making the women older. In this book, It wasn't about making her a cougar like with Amb. I like to write stories that are authentic to the situation. And not saying it couldn't happen, but it would be very difficult for someone to have went to undergrad, went to grad school, worked at a major pr firm and started her own pr agency by the age of 22 or younger. Authenticity and believability were my concerns in this book. so her being a publicist I kinda had to do it. Age wont be the focus as in the other series. Hope that answers for this one ****


"Hello." I left DJ's room this morning and went back to my own hotel.

"Hey bae what's up?" Lauren was smacking on something over facetime.

"What are you eating?"

"Girl some shrimp. And it is delicious."
I was going to ask her why she was eating shrimp so early but then I realized it was night time there.

"Well can you call me after you finish eating."

"No I called you because I want to talk now. Thank you very much." She snapped, still smacking.

"I take you made it back to L.A."

"Yeah. And look I got a tan. " she showed me her darkened arms and neck.

"I see you do look very crispy."

"Keep playing with me Jazz I'mma come through this phone. So how's the tour?"

"It's cool. Usher gives an amazing show."

"Dang. I couldn't make it while they were here, I was doing Cinderella. I'm thinking about coming out there?"


"When y'all go to London. That's the last day right?"


"That gives me time to get my tickets and stuff and then I got to record a couple of songs for this movie soundtrack."

"Oh ok that should be fun. Come a day early so we can actually tour London."

"Aight. How's DJ liking it?"

"Cool. We've been hanging with Aug's two background dancers and there so cool. They make it fun."

"How's Aug?"

"Enh." I rolled my eyes.

"What was that about?" She furrowed her eyebrows.


"It must be something you talking bout some "Enh." She mocked me.

"You need me to come out there? I got then schedule I'll hop on the plane."

"No. It's not that serious." I laughed at how hype she got.

"Let me get this nigga on the phone."

"No Lauren I'm cool. I really am."

"What happened?"

"Nothing I don't feel like rehashing it."

"Girl if you don't tell me."

"It was nothing serious. We're okay."

I knew that Aug was her friend and I didn't want her thinking anything negative about him on the account of me, so I just dropped it.

She smacked her lips, like girl spill it.


There was a knock at my door.

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