Pass Me Not

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So there are two authors you should check out. Yo I spent all day reading risaiharris 's book Days of Our Lives. It's an extremely gritty intense book. If you looking for lovey dovey this is not it. And Warning to all Aug fans he's not a good guy in this book (he has a pretty good reason) but I still found it entertaining. And it's pretty good might I add.

And also dream_outlouddd all her books, especially if you're into plus size fiction. She has some really great stories. Im currently reading Ava's World.

Jazmine POV-

"August let's eat baby." I had brought him a fruit bowl from the hospital's cafeteria and some cranberry juice.

Cranberry juice I had found were good for the kidneys.

I moved the table to set the food and drink on. He moved it back.

"I ain't hungry."

"August. Stop being difficult." I tried to move the table back again.

"I said I ain't fucking hungry." He barked.

"And I don't give a damn what you said, you're going to eat." I moved the table and sat the stuff down.

"Why I got what 13 mo days? If that."

"if that's the story you want to feed into, then fine. But I'm not buying it." I sat his food up so he could eat.

"I'm buying into the story that a miracle is going to happen. That within the next few days if not today, you're going to find a match. And after you get your transplant, I'm going to nurse you back to health. And after that, You're going to make love to me long and hard. And after that, we're going to Morrocco or Dubai or somewhere. And we're going to make love there too." I ate one of the strawberrys out of the bowl.

"You're a delusional idiot." He scoffed.

I stared at him long and hard. Then I eventually spoke.

"I should've let you drown." I got off the bed.

"Take me in there we can get this shit over with now."

"How about I use the pillow?" I said sarcastically.

"Here I don't care?" He pulled a pillow from behind his head and reached it out to me.

"I'd be better off any way. Instead of waiting around for niggas to watch me die. Y'all was out there planning my funeral anyway."

I stopped in my tracks and hung my head. He had obviously heard his mother and the rest of them making funeral arrangements and calling family members to make arrangements to come down here and pay their last respects.

I wasn't apart of it tho. I went to go get him food. I out of all people, was the only one that remained hopeful a miracle would happen.

"Y'all were planning my funeral?" He asked me glossy eyed with tears.

"While they were planning your funeral I got you something to eat, why because I still believe miracles happen August. And nothing is going to sway me from that." I sat on the edge of the bed and rubbed his face with the back of my hand.

He started to cry.

"Aww baby." I wiped his eyes. "We gotta believe. Me and you even if nobody else does."

"It's hard." He said through tears.

"True but we know people change, but God does not. Which means if he brought you out before he'll do it again."

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