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Jazmine POV-

I opened up the door to my office and flipped on the lights. I took a deep breath, then walked in and took off my jacket.

It had been two months since I had actually been here to work. My home had become my office since I had took care of Aug.

It was quiet.

DJ had gone back to NY with Brandy. David went with Amber to Phoenix to help her find a house and get settled, since she would be stationed there for the Army.

More than likely he would move down there with her. They had falling in love quickly as I knew they would the moment she took him home.

Hopefully, he's a better man than his cheating ass brother. I believe he will be. But anyway I was happy for him, after so much lost, he now had somebody to love him.

It was just me now.


Me, my thoughts and tears, trying to get my life back on track.

I didn't realize how much I lost until the dust settled and I was left...


Lauren was talking about me not ruining Aug's career, here I was left with nothing.

August was my main client. Basically since I started on tour with him, I had no time for anyone else. Then he got sick and the opportunity with Kendrick faded away.

I'm not blaming him. I chose to take him on as client. I chose to nurse him back to health instead of going on tour with Kendrick. I chose to stop my entire world and career for him. And now I was paying for that decision.


I called every single client I had, or who had an interest in me prior or during my stint with August, and every single one had moved on.

Kendrick was the only one who showed at least a little remorse. He promised me that if another opportunity came up he would hire me.

But I can't blame any of them. I can't expect for them to stop their entire world for me, like I did for August.

And here I was trying to figure out what I was going to do for work. Because my only client...

The client I gave my time and energy to.

The client I begged to stop pursuing me and just keep things professional, but no he just had to fulfill the male need to conquer that which he couldn't obtain easily.

The client who was only the second man in my entire life besides Ant, I have my heart and body to, was gone.

He hired some white lady named Amy, who sent me an email letting me know of my termination and demanding that I forward all future request for information that should be directed to me, to her.

I didn't expect him to keep me on, but that email was my reality that this wasn't all some bad dream.

The man I was supposed to marry was gone. My career was gone. And what little self worth I had left was swept up in this tornado of heartbreak and destroyed as well.

All I had left was negative media attention as a bitter ex trying to ruining Mother Theresa because I couldn't handle he had moved on to some chick that was now his massage therapist. That was the new rumor.

His fans attacking me on twitter daily telling me they were going to find me and kill me for trying to ruin their fav. They even made a hashtag #killdathoe🔫

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