Lover or Friend Part 2

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**** anybody who didn't sign up to be Alsina Nation that wants to be apart let me know. Not a lot of people responded to the last message and I want to give other people a chance who didn't sign up. ****


"Nigga it's all there." I sucked my teeth, while sitting on the couch backstage.

Big T was literally counting every dollar of the stack I owed him.

"Can't trust nobody these days. 20. 40. 60. 80. 100." He perfectly laid each bill on top of each other.

D who was seated on the edge of the couch was cracking up.

"What's funny to me is, you said you didn't want her Aug?" D looked at me.

"Is that what he said?" T asked sarcastically.

"Said she wasn't your type."

"Not his type huh?" T asked sarcastically again, steady focused on the bills.

"Said she was a little too thick for his liking?"

"So he like watery milkshakes not the thick ones huh? 220.240..." He continued to count.

"Said he wasn't into this love shit?"

"No love. No love. Is what he said huh? 320. 340."

"Y'all niggas crazy man." I chuckled, looking down at my phone wondering where was Jazz.

It was an hour till show time and I hadn't seen her all day.

"No you crazy. fronting." D playfully scolded me.

"Am I not allowed to change my mind?"

"Ain't nothing wrong with changing your mind. But nigga you been plotting from the beginning."

"Whatever. I'm ignoring you niggas." I said and sent Jazz a text.

Me: Bum, where you at? 👀

I waited a little bit, just chopping it up with big t and D, and I still didn't get a response.

"Ey can y'all step out a minute?" I asked them.

"I'm not done counting."

"Well go somewhere else and do that."

"Watch your tone for you be in this bag with this money. Lover boy." T playfully warned me.

"Let's give him space so he can cake with his new girl." D said getting up.

"Whatever." I blushed, chuckling as they left out closing the door behind them.

I called Jazz. She picked up, but her voice was very shaky like she was crying.

"Jazz what's wrong?" My smiled disappeared.

"He left Aug." She started to cry.

"Who left baby?"

"DJ. I tried everything I could to get him to stay, but he bought a plane ticket back home and he just left in a taxi to the airport." She sniffed, I assumed wiping her nose.

"Fareal? Why? What happened?"

"He sacrificed a lot for me when my ex died and he felt like I was betraying him, by us being together because when we argued I told him about it. And so of course I was upset and I was crying and stuff. And he just feels like I'm making a bad decision and I'm abandoning him because I'm with you. He's the closest person in my life and so he's really protective." She brokedown.

"And he just up and left. I would never just abandon him Aug. I'm really appreciative of all he's done. I love him more than anybody on this earth."

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