Fuxk You

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"Aug and Jazz instagram pics in m/m."

Jazmine POV-

"Goodmorning Shady Sadie." DJ came in and plopped on my bed.

"Next up at 8. A famous singer is making waves in the Atlanta area and his music has nothing to do with it. Find out who it is and what he's doing to make a difference." The male newscaster said as they went to commercial.

"I hope his ass bombs." I ate a spoonful of my fruit loops and sat back pouting.

Asswipe. 😤

"You still didn't tell me what he did." DJ looked at me.

"I just don't feel like talking about it. When I do, you'll know. I could blast his ass to every fucking media outlet if I wanted too. I am a publicist you know. But no, I'm diverting attention by giving his ass good publicity. Even when I want to be mean I can't."

"A famous singer is making waves in Atlanta after donating almost his entire wardrobe to First Baptist Church and Boys Home. He says God gave him a second chance at life and he wanted to do the same. here's John with more."

They went to a shot with August surrounded by the boys in his clothes and shoes, sitting next to the older lady.

The bigger boy even managed to squeeze one leg into Aug's jeans.

"This is horrible."DJ said.

We busted up laughing. August was trying to keep a smile on his face but I could tell he was angry and aggravated.

Hooray!!!!!! 😂😂😂😂😂

"August Alsina had two brushes with death. The first brush when he fell from a stage during a performance in New York, which left him in a three day coma. The second, after having to be rushed to the hospital for a failing Kidney. August says it was nothing but God that saved his life and he felt compelled to give back."

"How does it feel to give back?" The newscaster asked August.

"Uh...I guess...I mean ... Sorta like...cool." He cleared his throat embarrassed that he could barely formulate his words.

The kids behind him were dancing and making faces.

"Ms. Johnson how did it feel when you found out he did this?"

"It filled my hearts. This is what the babies needed."

"August Alsina is the best Muthafuckin singer around. Watch out Trigga and CB my nigga coming for ya ass." He patted Aug's back.

"Raymond!" The lady screamed.

"Sorry about that." She smiled to the camera.

"Mr. Mayor, how does it feel to see people like August giving back?" The newscaster asked.

"It's great for the city. Knowing that celebrities are willing to help out the less fortunate in their city."

"Kids how does it feel to know someone like August gives back to his community?"

"Cool as fuck." The big boy yelled into the mic.

The lady shook her head. "Their orphans forgive them."

"August one last question. Where did the idea come from?"

"I...umm...umm...I..." He stumbled over his words.

"Did it just come to you or..." The newscaster tried to help him out.

"Yeah." He looked down like he wanted to cry.

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