New Jazz

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Jazmine POV-

"We should turn the sprinklers on?" We snickered as we looked at Aug through the blinds.

This fool has slept on my doorstep for three days straight trying to apologize.

He would go home, wash up or whatever. Do his errands and every night he would sit at my door and beg to come in with flowers in his hand, until he just feel asleep.

I didn't feel compelled to let him in not one bit. And this would be the last day because he was leaving for the BET Awards in L.A. Tomorrow.

"He moving close the blinds." Me and DJ quickly closed the blinds and bent down at the door to see if we could hear anything.

We heard him moving. Which meant he was getting up.

"Baby open the door so we can talk this shit out before I go? Or just come to LA with me." He yawned knocking on the door.

"Baby I know you hear me. I'm sorry I didn't mean to say fuck you. I love you with all my heart and soul." He rang the door bell.

"Baby I can't go to LA without knowing we okay. I'm starting to feel sick again and I know it's the stress of this. Baby please don't stop caring about me. What if I drop dead once I get out there cause you putting me under all the stress."

That was my cue to walk away from the door. Is he really turning this on me? I'm putting his dumbass through stress? 😒

I went in my room. He rang the doorbell for two hours, then eventually went away.

"Do you see his Instagram?" I showed DJ who came and plopped on my bed.

"He's posting pics of us with fucking sonnets underneath. Talking about how much he loves me and how I'm his soul mate. And how I healed him. Was I your soul mate when you were fucking one of your little groupies?"


"Ahhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!" Me and DJ screamed to the top of our lungs.

"August get the fuck out." I jumped up.
"How did you get in here?"

"Can you talk to me? Just hear me out. Without both us yelling and screaming." August walked further in the room.

"August if you don't get out. I'm calling the police. You broke in here because I had every single one of my locks changed."

"I had no choice cause you ignoring me."

"Do you hear how crazy you sound? I'm
Calling the police." I got my cellphone.

"Baby just listen to me. That's all I'm asking. DJ give us a minute."

"Of course."
DJ fakely smiled. "Nigga bye." DJ sat on the bed and looked at him crazy.

"There is no minute. I don't want to talk to you. Get out!!!!" I yelled at him.

He backed me into a corner against a wall, both his arms on the side of my head.

"Jazmine I am sorry. I fucked up I take full responsibility for that."

"August, please go." I folded my arms and rolled my eyes.

"Look at me baby. Just look at me." He brought his head down and rested it on my forehead.

I moved my head he kept trying to do it and kiss me.

"DJ call the police."DJ left out to call the police.

"So that's what we on?" He stepped back.

I was trying my hardest not to put my hands on him. I wasn't giving no nigga a reason, especially this crazy ass one, to clock me into the middle of next week.

"Yes. Because you broke into my house. No sane person does that."

"You just like the fucking white people, you don't give a shit about the black man's life. "

"No. Just the ain't shit black man in front of me. DJ did you do it?" I called out.

"Yup. They on they way." He came to the door.

"If I was you I would get out of here before they come." I warned him.

"That's how you do the nigga you say you love? The nigga you say you wanna marry?"

"August get this through your fucking cone ass head. I don't love you anymore!!! And I don't want to be with you. I'm done. You got it? I'm done!!!!!"

The doorbell rang. DJ got it and the officer came into the room. August looked at me to see if I was really going to have him locked up.

"Ma'am is there a problem?" The officer asked.

"Yes. This man broke into my house. "

"Do you know him?"

"Yes he's my ex-boyfriend and he keeps harassing me. He has slept out side my house for the last three nights. I would also like a restraining order."

August shook his head okay in total shock I did this.

"Sir I'm going to have to ask you to come with me."

"I was just talking to my girlfriend I don't see the problem." August folded his arms.

"Well the lady says you're harassing her and you broke into her home."

"The lady is lying."

"Well that's for the court decide. Hands behind your back."

August looked at me, then the officer. Knowing this situation could go left real fast he complied.

The officer put him in cuffs, read him his rights, and took him out of my house.

I sacrificed so much. Was willing to be completely vulnerable with him, only for him to completely lie and have a break baby on me and we weren't even on a break? I was too young for this shit, and had to much self respect to put up with that.

And as the cop car drove away I didn't feel an ounce of remorse.

That weak Jazz was long gone. Say hi to the new one and fuck anyone who doesn't like it. 👋 😘😍

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