Burning The House Down

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Jazz POV-

I looked through my mirror as Aug put his luggage in the trunk. He closed the trunk then got on the passenger side.

"We going to my house?" I started the car.

"No. I'm going to mine." He said with no expression then scrolled through his phone unbothered.

"So all that talk about you staying with me. You didn't mean it?" I looked over at him.

He ignored me, still scrolling through his phone.

I fixed my mirrors and drove off. The ride to his house which was far, far out was quiet. He literally said nothing to me the whole ride. Which was confusing because yesterday after his show he called me and we talked all night.

I would occasionally look over but not once did he ever look up or over at me.

We pulled up to his house and he got out. I heard a knock on the window and he motion for me to get out.

I did and followed him to his doorstep totally confused about his attitude.

"Dig your hand in there." He pointed to the flower pot on his steps.

Oh I see what this was about. Him proving me wrong about the house situation.

"This is unnecessary August."

"Dig your hand in there."

I dug my hand in the pot and felt around for the key until I found it.

"Open the door."

I rolled my eyes and opened the door.

"0415." He said telling me the alarm code to silence it's continuos ringing.

I punched it in, then the alarm went off. I handed him the key.

"Keep it. Don't start no more unnecessary bullshit arguments with me. Now go up in my room and get naked. I've missed you and I want you now." He said closing the front door.

I gave him the side eye.

"Go on now. I ain't got all day." He said carrying his luggage up the stairs.

He cannot be serious. I am not his little
Sex kitten. I made my self comfortable in his living room on the couch.

He came down about fifteen minutes later and laid behind me on the couch.

I turned where we were face to face and repeatedly pecked his lips.

"I missed you."

He looked in my eyes, then at my mouth.

"Your mustache obviously missing a shave. Line that up."

I gave him an evil face 😡, and he laughed.

"I'm hungry babe. Fix me something to eat."

"Not after what you said." I turned away from him.

He pulled me closer to him and sucked on my neck.

"Please bum. I ain't had nothing all day besides a sausage biscuit from MC Donald's."

"I don't care." I playfully pouted.

"You better get in there and make me something woman. Before I get mad."

"Your threats don't scare me."

"Fareal Jazz. I'm hungry now go."

"What do you want?"

"Steak and a baked potato." He kissed my lips. "I want my steak medium well."

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