Lover or Friend Part 1

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**** If you signed up to do Alsina Nation, I sent the second round of DM's out just a few minutes ago. After you read this chapter, go comment your comment on link I sent you. The pic of Jazz with her face covered is the one you use.

And I know a lot of people wonder where I get this stuff that DJ says, I don't know if you know who Kid Fury is I love him, but he be going ham on Aug all the time. He doesn't play DJ, but his voice is in my head when I write it. He shows Aug no love lol. Alsina Nation had to go at him hard one time, because he made a joke about Aug when he was in the hospital and he took that picture with Nicki Minaj with the breathing things in ****

DJ in the m/m


"Would you stop?" I hit his hand, and swatted him away from me.

I was sitting in the corner chair by the window and he was annoying me all morning, trying to take pics of me to put on his Instagram.

"Take the scarf off."


He tried to pull it off.

"August, get the fuck away from me." I swatted him this time with my elbow.

He chuckled.

"Why won't you let me take your picture?"

"Because I don't want a picture. Leave me alone." I whined.

"You scared?"

"Of what?"

"My nation?"

"Nobodies thinking about your little nation."

"Don't disrespect my nation now. I'll have them come after you. Like the busy beez do Bey."

"The busy beez?" I cracked up holding my scar securely over my face

"Aint that what they called?"

"No. It's the Beyhive."

"Whatever it is. I'll have them fry yo ass."

"Those grade school and high school girls don't scare me. I'm a grown ass woman."

"We'll see." He clicked his phone and took a picture.


He got up laughing and typing something.

"Did you post that?"


I snatched his phone and sure enough he posted my picture on his Instagram. With the caption.

"With my Publicist. She hiding cuz she scared of y'all. #alsinanation let her know y'all don't play. She need to be very afraid. 🔫🔫🔪🔪💣💯

"Why would you do that? I'm so done with you." I handed him his phone and put on my shoes.

"You leaving?"

"Yeah, I need to get back to my room before DJ starts wondering where I'm at."

"Aight, gimme some suga before you go."

"August we been kissing nonstop since last night."

"I can never get enough." He pulled me close to him.

"Cornball." I smirked and pecked his lips a couple of times.

"aight see you later." He gave me one last peck and let me go.

I left out. Got on the elevator and went back downstairs to my room.

"Nice of you to show up." DJ came out of his room, which was next to mine as soon as I opened the door.

He followed me inside, letting the door close on its own.

"Calls sent straight to voicemail. Text unanswered. I'm just a non-mutha fucking factor now huh?" He said smacking on an apple.

"That's not true. I fell asleep."

"Bitch..." He folded one of his arms, holding the apple in the other.

"You must think I'm Porsha from Real Housewives of Atlanta Stupid. I'm no geniuis, but I'm not that damn dumb."

"Can we not talk about this?" I put my messy hair in a pointy tail.

"No heffa, we gon talk. What happened to the whole you were just going to hear him out then bring yo ass straight back to this room?"

"We had a deep convo."

"Ha! I heard this nigga's album and ain't shit about him deep." He sat on the desk and took a big chunk of apple, talking with his mouth full.

"Unless drug dealing, stripping shooting niggas and fucking would be consider deep then yeah. This nigga maya Angelou."

I eyed DJ. He eyed me back biting into the apple.

"I dare you to defend his black ass." He challenged me. "Try it."

"He's not as bad as you think."

He sighed. "I knew it. Niggas run the same type of game. Let me guess. He gave you some sob story and you fell for it?"

"DJ, August and I are together now so..."

"Excuse me?" He cracked up. "You're what?"

"It's not funny." I looked at him seriously.

"You're together?" He touched his chest as though he was appalled.

"DJ just go." I sat on the bed weary.

"Which hoe are you? His Monday or Tuesday? You look more like a Friday."

"Why can't you just be happy for me?"

"Bitch just yesterday your ass was crying to me talking about I was right. Now this nigga is your man? And you want me to be happy for you?"

"He explained himself. And it was genuine."

"A genuine piece of bullshit. Ain't that many words to explain his level of disrespect."

"Just hang around him enough to give him a chance."

"You know what, just use the money you were going to pay me to buy me a plane ticket home." He threw the apple in the garbage.

"DJ it's not that serious." I stood up trying to calm him down.

"It is! I was there for you Jazmine. I saw how broken you were when Anthony died. I gave up my life to be there for you. I have up my apartment to move in with you. Kelly Rowland asked me to go on tour with her as her designer and I declined that shit. Why? because I knew my friend was in need and had nobody. The biggest opportunity of my life! I'm working now as your assistant. Your assistant! And I didn't care because it was you. My bestfriend.

And we were just waiting until I got another break. But this, I cannot deal with. You abandon me for him. And then when he does your ass dirty you will want me to give up my life again.

Ain't gon happen. I'm not giving you the chance. Enjoy your little relationship." He walked out the door slamming it.

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