Downward Spiral

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Two Weeks Later

August POV-

I heard a knock at my hotel room door. I was hoping it was the room service I ordered an hour ago.

I'd been in rehearsal all day. After doing the show in Detroit and fucking up so bad, this was a chance to redeem

But Jazmine, the reason I messed up in the first place, was all I could think about.

It had been two weeks since she left and I was like a lost puppy. I had to learn how I was going to live without my spine and that was the hardest and most devastating part.

Although she heard what I said, she still made the choice to leave me and go with Trey and honestly I couldn't be mad.

She needed time away from me to focus on herself. Seeing as I had basically been the center of her world personally and professionally, since we me

I opened the door to find her on the otherside.

She had all her bags in her hands. I quickly took them from her and she followed me in. Letting the door close behind her.

Her eyes were extremely puffy. As mine were as well. We'd been doing the same thing.

I neatly put her bags in the closet with mine.

"I don't feel like talking now. I just want to sleep. My body is weak." She took off her shoes.

I pulled the covers back so she could get in. She did. And I covered her back up.

"Lay with me." She patted the empty space next to her.

I got in next to her.

"Hold me like you used to." She asked.

She laid her head on my chest and I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her cheek as her eyes closed.

"I love you baby." I whispered in her ear. Kissing her forehead.

"I love you too." She mumbled as she drifted off to sleep.

This was her way of saying I'm giving you a second chance.

This was her way of saying I'm going to put my faith in you one more time and one time was all I needed.

I softly massaged her scalp with my fingers as the calming rhythm of her breathing and warmness of her face against my chest, slowly begin to mend my heart.

I opened my eyes to see I wasn't in a hotel nor was Jazmine next to me.

I was home, alone, on my floor surrounded by beer cans.

I drank so much I couldn't even make it upstairs.

I rubbed my eyes and squinted as the sun light blasted through my den windows.

I heard someone ringing my doorbell like crazy. Finally I heard the door open.

My body was so weak I couldn't even lift myself up.

But from the hard footsteps I knew it was T. He found the spare key.

"What the fuck?" T looked around my house.

Dirty plates. Beer cans. Liquor bottles. Clothes. Scraps of balled up paper from failed song ideas I tried to write about how I was feeling. Covered every inch of my house. It looked like a hurricane came and destroyed everything I had.

"Nigga get up." T softly kicked me to wake me up. I had fell back to sleep. My eyes wouldn't stay open.

"I can't." I held my hand out to him, it quickly dropped to the floor like putty. It was to heavy to be lifted up.

He grabbed my arm and pulled me up. I stumbled a little bit. He grabbed me by my shoulders to help me stand straight.

"August you can't live like this."

I waved him off and tried to walk up the stairs but I made it up two then toppled back down to the ground.

"August!!!" T yelled.

I just laid there my body felt numb.

He did a double take. Looking over on my table at the white powdery substance.

"You doing coke now?" He looked in utter disgust at the substance then at me.

I coughed and tried to get up but fell back down.

T grabbed me off the floor and pushed me against the wall.

"August snap the fuck out of it!"
"Get the fuck off me." I tried to push him off me. But the more I did. His grip got tighter.

"I said get the fuck off me!" I struggled with no success.

"Yung I know you hurt, but I'm not letting you go down this path. You coming to stay with me."

"I'm not going nowhere." I smacked him in the face as hard as I could.

T looked at me like he wanted to kill me. Which he could've with his bare hands. But instead he just slowly let me go.

Unable to hold my own weight I slid to the floor. T look down at me like he wanted to say something but instead he just walked toward the door.

"You leaving me too!" I yelled. "Gone I don't need you either. Talking about you my shoota. You ain't shit!" I yelled to the top of my lungs.

T walked out the door.

"Don't leave me T. I was joking man. I was joking. I'm just hurt. My heart heart." I broke down and balled up like a baby and cried onto the hardwood floor.

"She gone man. She gone. What am I supposed to do? How im supposed to live?" I asked myself out loud.

I was on a downward spiral to nowhere fast and if Jazmine wasn't coming back, I couldn't see it getting better.

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