cнαpтer 12

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Hey guys!

Kiss You's music video gonna come out soooonnnn!!! WHO IS EXCITED??? ME :D

I am not really fond of this chapter, I think my writing is going down the hillll!



*Louis' POV*

"Listen Li, I wanted to talk about...huh...the kiss"

I finally see his face as he turns around to face me. His face didn't surprise me any more like it did a few days ago. His eyes were still the same since I last saw him, blood shot red and his face still had dry tear marks. I just wanted to wrap him up in my arms forever and never let anything hurt him. But I wasn't the person who should comfort Liam, It should be Zayn.

"Yeah...go on" He mumbled, he sounded so broken and so weak and I again had the urge to punch Zayn for doing this to him.

"Well....I- first of all wanna say sorry. Liam I seriously didn't mean to you kno- Basically, I didn't mean to kiss you, I didn't mean to break you two up. I just, I don't what came ove-

"Shut Up Lou, It's not your fault that me and Z- him aren't together anymore. I guess Zayn didn't love me. I don't blame him there is nothing there to like about him. Zayn deserves someone that is way more better tha-

This time I was the one to interrupt him, How dare he think that he is not enough for Zayn or anybody? Doesn't he know there millions of girls, hell even boys out there who are head over heels in love with him?

"Don't say another word about Zayn not deserving you Liam. You are flawless, You are everything a person could hope their life partner would be like and Zayn's just too damn blind to see that!" I say as I move a bit closer to him, I don't know how we ended up talking about him and Zayn when we were suppose to talk about our kiss. I knew it was hurting him to talk about Zayn because silent tears were heard coming from him and his body was badly shaking. I didn't know if I should have done it or not but I shuffled my feet right next to his and wrapped my arms around him. He quickly wrapped his arms back around, signalling his approval for the hug. His head was nuzzled in my neck and my t-shirt was soon wet from his tears. It hurt me so much to see him like, I never imagined Liam like this. After all, He was the Daddy and he was never this vulnerable.

"Tthan-n whyy-y ddi-d-id h-ee-b-rree-eak-k uu-p w--ithhh m-me?" He asked, still sobbing.

"I duno, Li. I really don't know" I reply honestly, as I sigh loudly and place my head on top of Liam's.

For a while, we just stay in silence just listening to each others heart beats and enjoying the cold breeze of London. Liam's sobs had finally came to an end and It would have a been a perfect moment if we were a different situation. It was comforting just holding Liam in my arms, just a like a dream. Perfect.

I could tell Liam wanted to say something because he kept on opening his mouth and then slowly closing it back. I guess he didn't want to disturb the silence we hand made. But, I really wanted to know what he had to say.

"What is it, Li?" I whispered into his ear, he was still wrapped up in my arms, with his head on my shoulder. I don't know if I imagined it or not, but I felt Liam shiver as my lips moved closer to his ears.

"Lou...I think I might have feelings for you..." He whispered, his voice slightly nervous and low like he didn't know what he was talking about. My breath hitched the moment those words came out of his mouth. I could've never imagined that I would ever be able to listen to those words come out of Liam's mouth. I don't know if he was telling the truth or was it just because of the moment we were in? I wanted to say something so that he knew that I was okay with what he just said but no words came out of my mouth.

"I don't know how or why, but I just get this weird butterflies and shivers whenever you are near me, Louis. I don't even know what this feelings are. I just wanna feel like smiling whenever I am with you or whenever I see you. These feelings...they are not as strong as the feelings I have for Z-zayn...but there are still there and I can't ignore them." He said, as he lifted his head up from my chest, His eyes were full of honesty and I couldn't help but believe everysingle word of his little speech. I can't believe he is saying these things to me, Liam likes me! I could feel tears welling up in my eyes as well a smile slowly creeping up on my face. I didn't know want to say but I picked up the courage and replied.

"I have felt this feelings too, Li" I said, as I put my hand on his cheek, stroking it lightly with my thumb. My eyes met his and we just stood there staring deeply into each others eyes. Nothing could ever ruin this moment.

Liam slowly leaned forward and layed his head on my shoulder again and I immediately wrappedmy arms around his weak body.

"But I am..not ready for this yet, Lou. I am not ready for a relationship yet,  after everything that has happened these past few weeks and I am certainly not ready to forget my feelings for Zayn. Even though it hurts me like hell, I still love..Zayn, Lou. I still love him."

Liam's words hit me like knives. One minute I was flying in air and the next minute I knew I was drowning in the dark ocean. I wasn't gonna lie what Liam said did hurt me but for him I would wait my entire life.

I slowly peck his forehead, letting my lips linger for longer than nessesscary.

"It's fine Liam. I will wait for you. I will always love you. I will always be there for you. Just take your time and while you're doing that I will be your best friend supporting you all the way. I Love You. I will try to be the bestest friend you could ever have"

"Thanx Lou. I...Love you too and you are already the best friend I wished for" He replied and a smile made it's way through on both of our faces.


So how was it?


So here the bromance results-

Ziam- 4

Lilo- 4

Larry- 1 :(

So Ziam and Lilo have the same amount of votes!!! I still want votes coming in...


Also, as the christmas holidays are coming, I am going to America for a few weeks and so I wouldn't be able to update for a while! :(

But I promise I will try and update before I live and I will also try and update when I am in America :)

Hope you enjoy this chappter and





oh n MERRY CHRISTMAD EVERYONE!!! :D (an early wishing)


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