cнαpтer 11

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Sorry for not updating fooooorrr....2 weeks but school's really loading me with work and I am sure I am not the only one!

Oh and who saw the x factor??? JAMES WON! I was so happy!!! Although I was still thought that Union J should have won, they are amazayn!

So hope you like this one ::



 *Louis' POV*


Nothing was the same since I came out of the hospital last week. Everything has changed, well most of the things. Harry's still the same old cheeky chap I used to know. Niall's still the same old Irish, food lover and I guess even I am still the same. However, Liam and Zayn they haven't been themselves since that day in the hospital. We all some how found out that have split up and since that day they have been avoiding each other like a plague. They seem to ignore each other whenever we are in an interview or a photoshoot. We have tired several time to aleast get them to talk to each other, but it was all hopeless. These days were hopeless, nothing we do could cheer them up or even crack a smile.

I haven't seen Liam smile since the day they broke up and I am not going to lie by saying I am not missing his sparkling smile. I do. I miss Liam's smile. I miss the twinkle his eyes always carry and most of all I miss Liam. He is always in his room and whenever he is with us he never talks. He eyes are always bloodshot red and his cheeks always have dry tears on them. I was dying seeing him like this. My heart broke everytime I looked at his angelic face.

What makes all this even worse is Zayn. I don't know if realizes what he is doing to Liam, the guy he used to love and maybe he still does, I don't know. Zayn acts like everything is perfectly fine, like he never hurt Liam, like he never broke Liam's heart, like he never loved Liam. He's still not himself but he's still  laughing, smiling and most of all ignoring Liam. I know it hurts Liam to see Zayn being so ignorat about their break up and it hurts me to know that Liam's hurting. I would've nearly puched Zayn's 'perfect jaw-line' if it wasn't for Liam, because I knew that Liam still had feelings for Zayn and would hate me for punching him. I knew Liam still loved Zayn and I also knew that I still had feelings for Liam, they never stopped.

I was happy when I first found out about their break up, I thought that I could finally have Liam. Finally hold him in my arms, finally kiss his lips again. But I always had that guilty feeling in the pit of my stomach because I knew I never stood a chance; Liam's heart was already taken by Zayn and no one in  the world could change that. 

We still hadn't talked about the kiss, the air was still awkward and like I said Liam never came out of his room unless we had an interview or something. But I knew I needed to get this off my chest. I knew I needed to sort everything out with him because I knew I was a part of their break and I needed to apologize badly.

I stood up from my warm bed, feeling the cold air surround me as I made my way towards Liam's room. His room was just right next to mine, I took a shaky breath as I lightly knock on his door. No answer. I knocked again, this time a bit louder, still no answer. After waiting for a whole minute, I open his door lightly peering inside finding the room completely vacant. I frown, where was he?

"Hey Lou, What are doing in Liam's room?" Niall asked as he made his way towards Liam room holding a pack of crisps, I holded in the urge to roll my eyes.

"Nothing... Ni, have you seen Li anywhere?"

"I thinh his hon the rhoof tohp, Why?" He asked, his mouth full of crisps. I could barely make out what he was speaking and this time I didn't hold in the urge to roll my eyes.

"Just need to talk to him. Oh and next time eat before you open your mouth" I say to him as I make my way toward the roof top. I quietly open the door and shiver as the cold air hits me. I scan my eyes around looking for Liam, finally finding an outline of a shadow and make my way towards it. 


"Oh..hey lou"

"How are you?"

"Fine....Pefect infact, just Perfect" A Lie, He wasn't fine at all.

"Listen Li, I wanted to talk about...huh...the kiss" I manged to speak up after a long silence. He finally turns around and faces me...I hope we sort everything out because I needed that.



Hope you liked it!


Oh by the way the image on the right is the roof top, so romantic :)



So wat do think??? I know it wasn't the best chapter But I tried :)




My vote goes to team Ziam but it might change :D


I promise I will update soon not like last time! PROMISE!


So you know the words



FAN <3



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