cнαpтer 7

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sorry for not updating in a looooooooonggggggggggggggg time but I am seriously confused on what to write in this story next, so feel free to give ideas ;)

I really don't know what is happening in this chapter but I updated cuz I felt really bad for not updating in ages!!! ;)))

There is not much happening in this chapter, as in not much drama but it's kinda an important chapter, Oh and it sort of Larry in it! ENNNNJJJJJJJJJJJOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY

BTW, I love the video on the side!! It's so cute ;))) don't you think??

hope you like it ;]


*Louis POV*

All I could see was pitch black, I don't even know where I am but I think it's the hospital. I could hear voices speaking around me, some familiar while others weren't.

I felt someone sit of the edge of the bed, and hold my hand. As much as I was hoping it was Liam holding my hand it, It wasn't. Liam's hands were warm while these hands were cold and big, making me shiver. Harry?

"Boo-Bear, please wake up! I hope you can hear me. We all miss you lots, esspecially Liam. He is thinking it's all his fault that you're in here. I don't know what happen exactly between you two and maybe when you wake up you will be able to tell me with that amazing sassy voics of yours. I miss you, lots Lou"

Yep! that was definitely Harry. He sounded like he was crying and it broke me to hear him be so sad. Harry was always the cheeky one and I hated to see him cry, I hated to see my best friend cry because of me. I wanted to wake up and tell him that I am okay, that I miss him too but I couldn't even manage to move my fingers, how am I suppose to move my freaking eyes?

I felt movement on the bed, and then I felt Harry kiss me on my forehead. If I wasn't sleeping I would definitely be blushi- no I wouldn't be blushing because Harry kissed me! I am in love with Liam not Harry!

"I Love You, Lou-Bear"

I felt myself smiling in my head, when I heard Harry say those words. I know he only meant that has a friend but it still made my insides bubble with joy. I mean, It made me feel better to hear someone say they love me, I am happy to hear 'I Love You" not happy to hear Harry say it! What is wrong with me today? Liam not Harry, get that in brain!

I felt Harry sit back down and tighten his grip around my hand, making me feel warm and relax...UGH! not again!

I just wished I could open my eyes!!!


Bright lights filled my eyesight, and I quickly shut my eyes not being able to get used to the bright world after spenting about 5 hours in pitch darkness. I slowly opened my eyes and looked around the hospital room finally being able to get used to the brightness.

I could feel weight on my right and My eyes wandered there to find a curly haired boy sleepy soundly, his head laying lightly on the hospital bed, letting peaceful but quiet snores escape his kissab- I mean lips, escape his lips. I smile at I let my eyes scan over his face, no wonder girls were crazy about Harry, he definitely was a attractive chap. My eyes wandered to the dry tear stains on his cheek, instantly making me feel very guilty for making him cry. I let my hands move some of his curls, making a small smile appear of both of our faces. I am so lucky to have a best friend like Harry.

"I don't like old ladies"

Seriously? Since, when did Harry start talking in his sleep? I let out giggle, a loud one, may I add cause Harry started stirring and lifted his head up from the hospital bed. It took Harry a few minutes to get up and notice that I was finally awake from my sleep. His eyes instantly lit up when they landed on me.

"Morning, sleepy- head!"

"Lou! You are awake" he exclaimed, as his hands flew around me crushing me in a tight hug. This Boy!

"H-arry c-can't brr-eat-h!" I managed out

"Sorry, Boo- Bear, I am so happy that you're finally awake! How are you feeling? Does your head hurt?" He asked, his eyes suddenly filling up with worry. I chuckle, making Harry's face shrunched up in confusion.

"I am fine Haz, and no my head is completely fine! Where are the others?" I ask, when I realize that the others where nowhere in sight.

"Okay, tell me if anything hurts and the others are outside. Only one person was allowed to visit you. So, they sent me in here and they are waiting outside, I will go and tell them that you are awake and they can come and meet you. Do you want me to call the doctor?"

"Okay, and No, I don't need the doctor! Thanx Haz" He smiled at me, before jogging out of the door. I chuckle at his enthusiasm.

"Guys, LOUIS' AWAKE!" he screamed, gosh there are other patients in here! I rolled my eyes at his immature actions but a smiled followed behind.

I had completely, forgotten how I had ended up in the hospital until now. The kiss flashed back as Liam walked in with Zayn's arm right around him. I felt my inside burn as I noticed how close there were. I guess Liam hadn't told Zayn about the kiss, He was probably embrassed. I mean, who wouldn't be? I am no where as special as Zayn. I couldn't help but stare at Liam, who looked like he had just witnessed someone die, he looked tired and he needed sleep. He also had tear stains on his rosy cheeks. Did he cry? If he did cry, was it because of? Was he crying because of me?

Harry followed in awkwardly, giving me a weak smile, which I replied to and lastly followed in our carefree leprechaun. Even his face was covered with tears. Gosh, how many people did I make cry? Niall immediately ran to my side and gave me one of his Horan hugs making me chuckle and playfully slap him

"How are you feeling, Louis?" Zayn, asked worry filled his eyes. I smiled at him, as much as I hated him for dating Liam. I still missed him, after all he is my band mate and one of my best friends.

"I am fine, Zee. Just have a little headache" I replied.

We talked for awhile about everything and anything. We talked about Harry, Niall and Zayn's Interview. Making a few jokes here and there. It felt like old days when no one was dating and we just 5 best mates enjoying life but this time we knew that nothing was the same. Liam was awfully quite and just cuddling into Zayn avoiding my eyes like a plague. It hurt to see him ignoring me. He didn't even ask me how I am. Why did we had to kiss??

"Let's go and get something to eat! I'm starving" Niall said, and as if on Que, his stomach grumbled making us all laugh except Liam who was sleeping soundly on Zayn's shoulder, looking adorable as ever. But at the same time, I felt jealous, why can't I be in Zayn's place?

"You guys go ahead, I will stay with Lou in case he needs something" Harry said, I was gonna tell him to go, that I will be fine but I knew he wanted to talk to me about something, so I let it go.

"Li, babe wake up" I heard Zayn whisper and Liam whimper as he slowly opened his eyes. Zayn gave him a smile and a small peck. I watched as they got up and walked towards the door. Tears threatened to fall as I watched them together. I felt Harry move his hand on mine and I gave him a small smile.

"We will see ya later, Lou" I heard Zayn say, I looked up to nod when I saw Liam gave me a small smile, This was the first time he had ever made eye contact with me since we got here. I immediately felt better and I brightly smiled back at Liam. They walked out, leaving me alone with Harry and his awaiting questions.

"What happened between you and Liam and don't even think of lying, Louis!"

Here we go.....


so, wat do you think????

That was probably the longest chapter I have ever wrote and I enjoyed it a lot!

So i thought I shoud add Larry in to make it more interesting!!

What do you think? Larry or Lilo?





love you lots!!!


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