cнαpтer 14

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hey guys!

how arrrreeeeeeee you?

I hope you like this chapter! :)


*Liam's Pov*

As we entered the club, bright lights filled my vision and loud music filled my ears. I no longer felt the sadness that was lurking inside me for ages, I felt free and happy. I felt like I should let go my worries and just enjoy this moment.

We made our way towards the table. As we sat down I felt a hand on my shoulder making me turn around to face Louis. He had a comforting smile on his face which made my mood light up. I gave him a small smile back. Ever since I saw Zayn when we were leaving, Louis kept on giving me comforting smiles, telling me that if I wanted to talk about anything he was there. I was really grateful for that because after seeing Zayn, I knew I couldn't handle my feelings anymore. Every single one of my feelings that I had been holding in these past few days just came floating out. My love for Zayn came floating out. When I saw his face, I knew that I loved him too much to live like this, to live without him but we had our separate ways now.

I finally decided to forget about this for a while and concentrate on tonight, enjoy myself for once because I needed to get out of my 'break-up' depression.


"wha- oh, sorry. What is it Harry?"

"What drink do you want?"

"umm...think I will have a Stella Artois"

As soon as I said that, all the faces turned to look up at me. I didn't know what Zayn was thinking as I couldn't bare to look his face but I got the 'are you ok?!' look from Louis, Harry and Niall. I glared back at them giving them the 'what the hell does it look like' look. Just because I don't usually drink doesn't mean I am never going to drink. Seriously, boys these days.

"Ok...well, me and Niall will go and get the drinks" Harry informed us as him and Niall got up to go and get the drinks from the bar.

An awkward silence filled the air as Me, Zayn and Louis were the only ones sitting on the table. I bet anyone who walked passed our table would've been able to tell how awkwardly we all were sitting, staring at anything but each other. I guess the silence got a bit too much for Louis as He tried to break it.

"umm...so how are things? alright?"

Now to be honest that question was no where near good enough to break the silence, all of us knew that nothing was alright these days and I guess Louis realised that too as his face turned to a shade of red. Poor Lad. I offered him a weak smile, thanking him for atleast trying. His face immediately lit up and gave me a honest smile back. I could feel my knees going week as I observed his perfect smile and his facial expression. Liam, stop it! You are in love with Zayn not Louis. I quickly turned my head so that I was no longer facing Louis. Zayn. Zayn. Zayn. Why did he do it? Did he had to mess with my feelings? I could almost feel my self hating him now, but then I could never hate Zayn Malik because my hatred for him was nothing compared to the love I felt for him. I realized that the silence was still lurking around us. I am surprised to see Zayn still hadn't replied to Louis. Does he seriously hate Louis that much?

I felt myself sigh in relief when Niall and Harry came back with the drinks, chattering loudly and laughing without a care in the world. I wish I was them right now...

Soon after, the table was full of chatter and laughter, it seemed like everything was the right way. Like it was before the earthquake that shoke my like. It felt amazing to talk like we did before. Everyone was talking, just acting like 5 idiots except me and Zayn. Although everyone was getting on well me and Zayn avoided talking to each other, I guess non of us were brave enough to talk to each other and that just made me drink more....

Cause the alcohol was the only thing that could help me right now...


I watched as Zayn pulled her closer, kissing her harder. I tightened my hold around the glass I was holding. I pulled the glass towards my lips taking a long and a hard sip of the alcohol. I was sitting near the bar watching as Zayn stuck his tongue down a blondie's throat. Niall, Harry and Louis were busy dancing in the crowd. I couldn't believe what Zayn was doing, did he already forget everything we had, everything about our realationship, everything about me? I could feel my vision blur as the tears started to stream down my face. Why am I such a cry baby?

My breath hitched as I felt a warm hand on my shoulder, Quickly, I turned my face, making sure whoever it was couldn't see the tears trailing down my face.

"Hey Li, what's up? You should see Harry dancing he looks so cute!"

Louis. Oh gosh. I could clearly tell he was drunk by the sound of his voice and also he was very giggly and that only happens when he is really drunk. I quickly try to wipe away the tears that wouldn't stop and turn to face Louis giving him a small, a fake smile hoping that he doesn't notice anything. But, I guess it wasn't convincing, because his hand moved up to my cheek, stroking it softly as he spoke.

"Li, what happened? did you cry? and where the hell is Zayn?"

My heart broke at Louis's question as I thought about where Zayn and what he was doing right now. My heart broke and I don't think any one would be able to fix it except Zayn, himself. But, he doesn't seem to care about my heart or me.

I guess my silence told Louis the answer he was looking for because he let his eyes travel around the room before they landed on the dark coner where I had been staring at not so long ago. I heard Louis gasp as his hand fell from my cheek and he made his way towards Zayn.

My heart dropped even more when I let myself wonder what Louis was going to do....


so what do you think Lou's gonna do?

I hope it's too bbaddd :(

Anyways so here are the voting results :)

Larry: 4

Lilo: 10

Ziam: 14

SO ziam's winning!! woop woop :D

Anyways, if you want your bromance to win keep on voting cuz the voting lines are only open till chapter 15! so two more chapters left ;)

I hope you like it and I hope you know what to do :)



Margi xxx

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