cнαpтer 22

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Hey guys, only 5 more chapter left :)

really don't want this story to finish but ye what has to done, has to be done :)

got nothing much to say, so wouldn't make you wait any longer


*Louis' POV*

I wasn't jealous. I wasn't jealous when Zayn pulled Liam closer, wasn't jealous when they kissed in front of my eyes. Yeah sure, I would still wish it was me with Liam but I wasn't burning with the feeling of jealousy like I had been a month ago.

But when Niall hugged Harry, I wanted to punch him. I wanted to tear him apart for going anywhere near Harry and that's the bit that was confusing. It should be Liam who I want to touch, kiss and love but than whenever my eyes would meet Harry's, I would just feel like kissing him until it would hurt.

Currently, Liam and Zayn had gone out on a date and I was glad to say that I have never seen Liam more happy than he was right now. It made me so happy to see that he wasn't the broken Liam I had been taking care of for the past month. The feelings for Liam hadn't just disappeared they were still there but just less. And they were slowly getting taken over by my feelings for Harry, If I had any feelings for him that is.

Niall had gone out with Josh and yeah they should start dating already. It was clear that they were in love with each other. And Harry, he had gone to Funky Buddha. I sighed, I hated that. He was gonna get drunk and probably fuck a girl. After all he was straight as far as I know and he could possibly never have feelings for me. It was impossible.

Suddenly, I was snapped out of my thoughts when my phone rang. Harry. I sighed, sliding the arrow on my phone and answering the phone. I immediately pulled away the phone from my ear at the sound of the loud music.

"LOUEH! can you piiiiiccckk me up?" He was drunk, a lot and it was clearly not safe enough for him to drive. I sighed, scratching my forehead in fustrating. He been getting so drunk these past few days and I didn't even know why. And just because I was caught up in helping Liam doesn't mean I didn't pay any attention to Harry. I would always look out for him. Harry has been on the front page of every single newspaper this week. Either been seen with a new girl or just going to a club. And sometimes pictures of him being drunk. It hurt, because he was obviously going through something, something he needed help with and I wasn't there for him. I wasnt there to help my best friend but now I am and I gonna get this shit right.

"Ye sure, be there in 10" I said, disconnecting the call. I grabbed my phone and keys making my way to my car.

Harry was leaning against the wall -he was in the shadows meaning no one would be able to see him. His eyes were closed and it looked like he was asleep. I ran towards him, making sure no one saw me.


He immediately opened his eyes, letting me stare worriedly into his green orbs. They were filled with pain and sadness. Something I had never seen in his eyes before and it hurt me. It hurt me more than anything. I thought seeing Liam hurt was painful but seen Harry in pain was certainly more disturbing. Just as I was about to ask why he was doing, why he was drinking every single night I stopped myself. It wasn't the right time. I will have to do this conversation when he is not drunk and not so tired.

"Come on, let's get you home" I said, as I lifted him up in my arms carrying him bridal style towards the car. I opened the door to the passenger seat, putting him down gently and closed the door behind him. I ran around the car, getting into the drivers seat.

The ride home was quiet and awkward and this was just making me more worried. Harry was never quiet even if he was drunk. He is always loud and always happy and I just want that Harry back.

By the time we had reached home, Harry was fast a sleep. I smiled, he was adorable when he slept just like a cute little puppy.

Laying him down on the bed, I tucked him in the covers. I took hold of his hand, tracing patterns on it with my thumb. A tear broke out as I stared at Harry. 

"I am so sorry Harry. I am sorry for not being there for you but I love you and I am here for you now, promise" 

I pecked his forehead, letting my eyes run over his features. His flawless features. He stirred and smiled, holding my hand tighter. 

"I love you Harry, so so much and I am sorry for taking this long to realize it"


Ye I know that was short but I think this chapter needed to end here :)

so only 5 more chapters left!

and please don't forget to 





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