cнαpтer 21

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hey :)

hoped you enjoyed the last chapter, and if you didn't I am sorry. It was my first writing smut :/

anyways 6 more chapters to go and I know I have been updating a lot but I really want to finish this story :)

This chapter is dedicated to @PercyArtDirectioner cause she is amazing and I think I already dedicated my other two stories to her but she is just amazing so this one is dedicated to her to ;D

thank you guys for reading it :)


*Zayn's POV* 

Last night was amazing, It was perfect. Liam was perfect. I was tired and my body was aching for sleep but I had woke up extra early to watch Liam sleep. I wanted to watch him sleep. It was creepy, yes I know but watching Liam sleep is heaven. Abosolutely perfect.

I watched as his chest heaved up and down peacefully, his head snuggled into mine and his hand holding mine tightly. His legs were tangled up with mine and he was slightly pressed against my crotch. He held a smile, making me smile to myself and his hair was all over my face. Making hardly any sound I moved a strand of hair from his closed eyes, my fingers brushing against his face. Liam stirred as he snuggled deeper into my neck. My hand moved to his back rubbing it lightly as I rested my chin on his hair, sighing.

The sun was shining brightly through and even with the tent, I could still tell that it was lovely day outside.

Thinking Liam was still asleep, I closed my eyes a bit, soon after I felt light kisses. Liam's face slowly crept up in sight and I reflected his bright smile. Both of our eyes twinkling.

"Last night was amazing" I whispered against his lips. Liam turned crimson as I chuckled and  captured his lips with mine kissing him deeply. Liam happily sighed into the kiss and climbed on top of me. I wrapped my arms around him, holding him still as I deepened the kiss.

After a while we pulled away, running out of breath. This day couldn't have gotten a better start.

"I love you Zayn"

"love you too, Li. lots"


"So how was last night and who TOPPED?" Niall asked, making Liam blush again. I wrapped my arms around his waist, sticking my tongue out at Niall and pecking Liam's cheek.

"I guessing it was you" I nodded my face slightly heating up. "ohhh, Zayn topped!" 

Louis turned around, his eyes glancing up every second to meet Harry's. I watched as Harry offered him a short smile which Louis hestiantly returned. I sighed moving towards Louis.

"Lou, mind if I talk to you" 

"Ye, sure"

I leadded both of us in my bedroom, locking the door behind us. Louis stared around awkwardly and never in my life had I seen Louis Tomlinson so serious.

"Lou, I'm sorry about you and Liam and I know you like him and I kn-

"Zayn it's fine" His answer left us both in a awkward silence both of us staring around the room in pure silence. "Zayn, is it weird that to suddenly like someone else now?" Louis' said breaking the silence. I stared at him, confusion clear on my face.

"I mean I think I like them I am not sure, It's complicated." He said, staring at me as he paced around the room, the fustraction clear in his eyes.

"Who?" I asked as I layed out on my bed facing Louis as he visibly froze at my question.

"H..Harry" He said.

"OMG! LARRY'S SO REAL!" I screamed. Louis' hand immediatly flew over my mouth trapping it shut so that no words would come out. He glared at me as I smirked at him. "Keep it quite, Malik"

"So, you like Harry?" I asked, when his hand finally left my mouth. 

"Think so, I don't know! I was up all night (AN: see what happened there? lol) thinking about it!" Louis said.

"Well, then take time with figuring out your feelings as long as I know Harry's gonna stay single for a while and even he wasn't I think he would dump anyone for you. It's a mutual feeling mate" I said. Louis raised his eyebrow at me. "What? he's clearly been drooling over you!" I shrug.

"I don't know about the last bit but yeah. I shouldn't hurry up with figuring these things out" Louis sighed, I gave him a quick hug before patting his shoulder.

"Well, you sit and think while I go and hang out with my boyfriend or maybe make out with him." I say, making Louis chuckle. 

Just as I was about to go outside, Louis called out my name.

"Ye?" I say, turning around to face him.

"Don't hurt Liam again, please" He said.

"Wouldn't even dream of it"


so so so sorry guys, that was a really bad chapter but I am really tired :/ it was abosolute rubbish and I am so so sorry.

anyways, some larry action coming up soon, so be prepared :)

please don't forget to 





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