cнαpтer 6

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Wat's up, People?

So......I know it's been ages since I updated but I got seriously very lazy after half term and as our reports are coming out this month, there are a lot of assessments! I HATE SCHOOL!!!! you needed to know that!

so hope you this chapter!!!


*Liam's POV*

"He has lost a lot of blood but gladly he was brought to the hospital on time. He should wake up in about 3 hours or so." Mr Lawson said, as he came out of Louis's room to tell us how he is.

I still had tears running down my face, I couldn't help it. It was practically my fault that Louis ended up in a hospital bed! If i hadn't kissed him, he wouldn't have ran out and wouldn't have gotten into a accident. My sobs must have gotten worse because I felt Zayn tighten his arms around me. I look up to find him staring back at me, smiling weakly.

"You, okay babe?" He asked, kissing my nose, usually this would make giggle but in this situation it wouldn't even make me smile. As I nod and stare into his eyes I realize that not only did I put Louis in the hospital but I also cheated on Zayn. I cheated on Zayn, the guy who I am dating! The guy I want to spent the rest of my life with! I quickly look away, feeling ashamed of myself. What did I even do to deserve a guy like Zayn? I slowly lean forward and lay down my head down on his shoulders. I sighed when Zayn kissed my nose again and wrapped his arms tighter around me if that was even possible. I wanted to stay in his arms forever.

"I Love You"

"I Love You too, Li" he replied back, pecking my lips. "Can I ask you something?"

"hmm" I reply, nodding my head, which was still hidden in his neck.

"How..exactly did Louis get into a accident?" He asked, with slight hestitation and worry.

I quickly pulled my head out of his neck and closed my eyes. I can't lose Zayn, I need him. I can't tell him I cheated on him by kissing his best friend! I don't want to lose him!

I take in a deep breath and slowly reply.

"Basically I was watching tele when he came downstairs..and I went in to ...ask him why he was being so.....cold...towards us and then ........he ran out of the flat across the road when he got h-i-i-t by a c--ccar.." I reply as tears streamed down my face again. Tears because I had to think about what happened to Louis, Tears because I lied and cheated on my boyfriend. But I couldn't tell him now, not when I need him the most.

"Shush...Li, It's fine! Lou's Fine! He's gonna wake up in a few hours and then everything will be fine!" He said trying to convince both himself and me that everything will be fine, that Louis will be fine. But nothing was fine and It was completely my fault!

"But Zayn, nothing's fine and It's my fault!" I mumble, burying my face in my hands. I felt Zayn's hand on my mine, pulling them away from me. He lift my face and stared into my eyes passionately, his eyes were filled with love. He leaned and kissed me softly. I slightly whined, when he pulled away. I smiled, because that's what this boy always makes me wanna do.

"I Love You, Liam! It's not your fault that Louis's here! You saved him by bringing him on time, love! Trust me, it's that bloody driver that should feel guilty." He said, his voice filled with honesty but anger soon filled it when he talked about the driver.

I kissed his cheek, trying to ease his anger. I soon felt him relax and he pressed his forehead against mine. I smiled up at him and he smiled back making my world stop and brighten it up at the same time. We both shared a slow but a passionate kiss. I pulled away due to the lack of air and buried my head in his neck.

"You have no idea how much I Love You" I mumble, as a yawn took over me. I felt so tired. I heard Zayn say 'Love you more that anyone in this and that includes loving you more that you love me' I smiled at his reply and closed my eyes to get more sleep.

Just as I was about to get some sleep. I heard Harry coming out of Louis room's.

"Guys! LOUIS' AWAKE! " Harry said, rather loudly but no one can blame him after all he was the closest to Louis. I can imagine how happy he would be to see Louis is alright.

Me and Zayn immediately got up and walked up to Louis's room. I felt nervous as I entered the room. I started searching for Zayn's hand beside me, when I felt a warm hand around my waist. I looked up to find Zayn smiling at me, making me smile back.

I look up at Louis' bed, to find those blue eyes staring right back at me. I felt the nervousness come back again and quickly looked again from Louis' stare.


Awww...Ziam are adorable!!!

So wat do you think will happen??!!!

We need some drama, don't you thing? (You nod)

we will see about that in the next chapter!


Margi xxxxxxxxxxx

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