cнαpтer 19

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wassup guys :)

Hope you liked the last chapter and YAY! Ziam are finally back together :)

I have got nothing much to say so here's the next chapter!


*Liam's POV*

I was cold and the sun was too bright. Sleepily, I rolled around in my bed trying to find a warm spot but the whole bed was ice cold. I opened my eyes and squeezed them shut immediately when the rays of the sun became to bright for them.

I heard someone chuckle and a pair of lips on mine. I immediately knew it was Zayn by his scent. I lazily wrapped my arms around Zayn's neck pulling his warm body closer to my cold one. He chuckled again before picking me up from the bed, his lips still attached with mine. I tightly wrapped my legs around his waist and tugged on his hair earning a low growl from him. Zayn carried me to my bathroon placing me on the sink counter. His hands teasily brushed against my growing budge and I let out a needy moan pushing myself against him. I rubbed greedily against his lower region and he bit my lip roughly pushing against me as the air around us got hotter. Needing air, I pulled away from him and rested my forehead against his. He smiled lovingly at me and peck my forehead. I just hope I don't lose him again.

"Li, Breakfas- Oh hey Zayn! how are you mate?" Niall chirped in as he burst through the door, Zayn mumbles "I'm good" while I just unwantingly get off the counter and glare at Niall as he just smirks back in return. "Before you carry on with that, I was just gonna tell you that breakfast is downstairs not up here in the bathroom" And with that he ran out of the room. I rolled up eyes when I heard his faint laugh from downstairs.

Just as I was about to go downstairs, I felt two strong arms grab my waist. I sighed as Zayn turned me around and kissed me. It was a sweet kiss. It was kiss that told me Zayn wasn't ever gonna leave again and It was honestly the best kiss ever.

"I Love you Li"

"I love you too Zayn"


"Zayn said he had to go somewhere, It was urgent." Louis said as he leaned against my door. His arms crossed over his chest and his face held in a distant frown. He looked really stressed and I knew he hadn't got a good sleep. "And ye he would be-

"Louis, stop!" I said, as I placed my palm gently on his cheek, he slowly relaxed into my hand and closed his eyes. Sighing, I wrapped my arms around him, giving him one of the tightest hugs ever. "Thank You"

"You don't have to say anything, Li. I am just worried about that happening again. You both are not capable of handling that." Louis sighed and ran his hands lazily through his messed up hair.

"That's no-

I stopped as a bright yellow sticky note caught my eyes, I slowly picked up the note.

-I like watching you sleep, esspecially in my arms because you belong in them. Look at the pillow, sunshine-

I couldn't help but smile goofily at the words on the note. It was written by Zayn. The messy handwriting were enough to tell me that but I also knew that only Zayn would be this hopelessly romantic.

"Well, I guess Mr. Malik has plans for you! aww and that is so cute, Li Li!" Louis cooed as he walked out of the room. Hardly paying attention to Louis or anything else, I skipped towards my bed. I gasped when another yellow stickly note came into my sight.

-I like holding you, tightly because I want to protect you from everything and anything. In the wardrobe, babe-

My cheeks wre now hurting from smiling so much. Holding the sticky notes tightly I made my way towards the wardrobe, I quickly opened it finding yet another note.

-I like it when you wear blue, Li cause that's the colour you wore when we first met. Wear this for me tonight, Honey?-

Looking around, I noticed that this note was stuck onto a pair of clothes. My navy blue jumper and my black skinny jeans. Stuffing the notes in my back pocket, I grabbed the pair of clothes and made my way to bathroom.

After I had changed, I stared into the mirror making sure I was looking alright. Just then I found another note attached to the mirror. I smiled as I peeled the note off the mirror. Did I tell you, I was in love with the best person ever?

-I like tangling my hands into your hair and I love your curls so leave them the way they are Liam cause they frame your face perfectly :) Next one is in your coat, Darling-

I chuckled before running my hands through my hair letting them fall normally. I stared into the mirror for a moment, wondering why Zayn even liked me before grabbing my phone, keys and my converse. I ran downstairs grabbing my coat.

-I love you because you are Liam. My Liam. I will be waiting for you where we first shared our love. I love you, Bambi-

Our first date was in the park near the lake. Quickly putting my coat, I walked out of the front door. Was It possible to love Zayn even more?


I froze when the sight of the lake came to sight. I nearly lost my breathing. The trees around the lake were filled up with pictures of me and Zayn. There were a bunch of candles in the water that spelled out "I love you, Liam" and there was a small tent on the side on the lake. Tears welled up in my eyes at the sight in front of me. Why was Zayn doing so much for me, what did I even do to deserve him?

"You deserve It, in fact you deserve better Liam. So so much better. But I am not letting you go now that I finally have you in my arms. It was hell not seeing you, not hearing you, not touching you and not having you presence near me. Liam you are my drug, your love is my drug and I need you. I want to be able to make you smille again, be able to hold you again and call you mine again and I know it is probably too late but Liam James Payne will you be mine again?"

I turned, coming face to face with my boyfriend. I stared at Zayn as the tears gradually increased, my eyes never leaving his.


So how was it? I found the notes bit so cute :) I love them! and what do you think Liam will say? yes or no? Will he want to date Zayn again? And what do you think of Zayn's speech :)

Hoped you liked all the ziam fluff :) :) :)

Don't forget to




love you all xoxox

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