cнαpтer 26

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hey guys :)

1 more chapter to goooo! happy and sad!! 

Hope you like it :)


*3rd person's pov*

"Liam, you know you can't hide from me that long!" Zayn shouted, skipping up the stairs looking for his brown eyed boyfriend. Zayn sighed, checking his and Liam's room but no. Not a singal sign of Liam. Apparently, when Zayn tried to kiss Liam, he ran away saying Zayn had to find him to get a kiss. And that's why Zayn had roamed around the house 4 times looking for Liam.

"Come on Li! My lips are itching!" Zayn pleaded as he walked past the guest room. He stopped as he heard giggling. Just then Zayn realized that he had totally forgot to check the guest room and he face palmed himself.

Silently, he opened the door and scanned the room when he noticed a mop of curly hair peeping up from behind the bed. Smirking, he made his way arcoss the room, pretending to look outside the window.

"Umm...I think he might be outside" Zayn, purposefully mumbled to himself, and just as Liam was about to sneak out of the door, Zayn grabbed him and pushed him against the door. Liam blushed furiously as he stared down at his feet. Zayn sucked in air, his nostrils filled with Liam's scent making him go dizzy like always. 

"You're so gorgeous" Zayn whispered against Liam neck, leaving a trail of kisses. Zayn's mouth soon found Liam mouth and he brushed his lips against Liam's trembling lips. Leaving a ghostly feeling behind for Liam. "So, so gorgeous" And with that Zayn grabbed Liam's by his neck, pulling him into a loving kiss, a slow passionate kiss.

Liam's hands wrapped around Zayn's hip, pushing them forward as Zayn straddled Liam. Liam gasped into the kiss, the contact with Zayn making him groan in pure pleasure. Zayn bit Liam's lip before pulling away and nuzzling his nose against Liam's.



"I want to be inside of you, like now" Zayn groaned, his hands rubbing Liam trough his tracksuits. Lust clear in both of their eyes.

"Please..." Liam whimpered against Zayn's lips as he kissed him again. Zayn led Liam away from the wall and towards the bed. Zayn layed down Liam on the bed, climbing on top of him soon after, their lips glued fiercely to each other's. 

Liam's hands flumbled around Zayn's body trying to find a spot he could tightly hold to as Zayn sucked on his neck, leaving a possessive mark on Liam. Liam arced forwards rubbing himself into Zayn as Zayn moved away breaking every contact with Liam as he stood up. Liam silently watched him, whimpering at the lack of attention his cock was getting.

Zayn just smirked, staring down at Liam's trembling body as he took off his clothes. He was back on top of Liam soon, wasting no time and attaching their lips together again. Liam grabbed onto Zayn's hip, his nails digging in too Zayn's skin. His moans and groans becoming more frequent as Zayn's lips brushed against Liam's cold skin.

"Z-Zayn stop teasing" 

Zayn's head snapped back up to meet Liam's pleading eyes and Zayn couldn't help but feel the urge to kiss Liam. And so he did. He edged towards Liam's awaiting lips and sweetly kissed him, shooting him a gorgeous smile when he pulled away.

"I love you Zayn"

"I love you too Liam"

And with that Zayn pulled Liam's trousers down, his boxers following them. Zayn's fingers were soon inside Liam, scissoring him as he messily groaned and shook under Zayn. And soon, Zayn made love to Liam.


Harry stared down at the angel sleeping next to him. A smile growing on his face as he eyes scanned over Louis' features. And his smile grew bigger when they reached Louis' slightly parted lips, remebering the kiss they had shared yesterday. 

Harry was happy, finally happy. He had longed for Louis to be his, he had longed for Louis when Louis told him he liked Liam and his heart broke. But he held it in, just like he did everytime Louis told him he liked someone. 

Harry had imagined a lot of thing, like how Louis' lips would feel, what Louis would taste like and what Louis would feel like but he never imagined Louis liking him back. He was unbelievable and Harry couldn't believe what Louis had told him yesterday. And he was still dazed by those words and those lips.

Harry's snapped towards Louis as he stirred, groaning slightly at the burning light coming from the sun. Harry chuckled covering Louis' eyes with his hands as he pulled him closer using his other hand. Louis sighed and comfortably snuggled into Harry's neck, his breath tickling Harry ever so often. And then Harry felt totally dazed and dizzy when Louis lips brushed against his neck, sucking on it.

"L-lou stop" Harry moaned out, his nails digging in on Louis's hips. Louis chuckled as he pulled his face out of Harry's neck.

"Why you don't like it?" Louis asked as he smirked.

"I do. alot" Harry whispered, his eyes boring into Louis' as Louis popped himself up on his elbow giving Harry a sweet smile that made Harry's heart race.

"I love you Harry"

"I love you too Louis, soo much"

Harry sighed, as Louis leaned in for kiss. Both of them pulling each other closing, totally forgetting about morning breathes. Both of them too caught up in each other as their lips moved against each others. Their hands tangling up as Louis moved on top of Harry, just because he can.


hope you liked it!

the next chapter is the last one :( :) :( :) :( :) :( :) :( :) and it's a bit like an epilogue! thank you guys :D

and don't forget to 




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