cнαpтer 16

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I wrote this chapter before and published it but then something went wrong with the wattpad on ipod, so half of this chapter got deleted. So if you read this chapter before and think it's different and then ye it is! Cuz I had to write the whole chapter again some parts are different :( I am not happy with wattpad :( :( :( 

Anyways, I will be annoucing the bromance that won at the end of this chapter so stay tuned and don't fall asleep :) Also, the votings are now closed forever :D 

Hope you like it :) :) :)


*Louis' POV* 

I sighed as I stared up at my ceiling. I have being laying on my bed since the last two hours trying to get some sleep. But the things that have happened tonight wouldn't leave my mind. I can't believe I actually punched Zayn! The scene kept on replaying in my mind ever since we came back home. The look on Liam's was worse than the look on Zayn's face. I groaned as I turned around to face the wall.

I knew what I did to Zayn was wrong. Very wrong. But the look on Liam's face when saw Zayn snogging the blondie was heart breaking. It hurt me to see Liam always crying nowadays. Every single second I would find his eyes filled with water. I don't about Zayn or anybody else but I know that I couldn't see Liam like that. The way I found him crying just set fire to me and before I could stop myself I was on to kill Zayn. I just wanted to show him how much pain he was putting Liam through. As much as it hurts me to see Liam in Zayn's arms, I still had to get them together because that's where Liam belongs. He belongs with Zayn, where he is happy. He can never love me like he loves Zayn. My eyes welled up at the thought of Liam with someone else again but at the same time I felt hapiness grow within me at the thought  of seeing Liam happy again.

I turned to face the wall, letting my eyes drop sleepily. Just as my body relaxed and my eyes closed, I heard light footsteps coming up the stairs, quickly distracting my sleep. I jerked right up, shuffling around my warm duvet I got up and made my way towards my locked door. I pressed my ear lightly against it, shivering at the coldness of the it. I heard the floor outside my door creak as the person walked silently. My eyes widened at thought of the person being a Bulgar. What am I supposed to do? The person fidgeted around the knob of the room next door. Liam's room. I quickly started unlocking my door before stopping as realization hit me brain. It wasn't Bulgar, It was Liam. Liam hadn't came home with us. I sighed in relief, before going back to my bed. 

I tossed and turned around, my thoughts still glued to the boy next door. I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep in peace till I apologize to Liam. So, again I got out of my warm covers and made my way towards Liam's closed door. 

I knocked on the door, silently but making sure Liam would be able to hear it. I stood there shuffling my feet around waiting for Liam to come and open the door. But he didn't. I knocked again. Finally getting impatient, I turned the knob of Liam's door finding it unlocked  already. I slowly opened the door, the floor creaking occasionally. I peered into the door, finding Liam's bed nicely made bed completely empty.  I looked over to his bathroom door, finding a dim light coming from it. I walked over to his bathroom, asking myself if I should go in or not. I decided not to. I stood outside his bathroom, knocking again.

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